iPhone Aps


New member
Mar 2, 2014
OK ... I finally broke down and entered the 21st Century and got an iPhone.

What Aps do I need?

List your favorites, for hunting, camping, office ... whatever.
Flashlight app

Zedge has a ton of ringtones (it has an elk bugle you can set for your ringtone)



Google Earth

First Aid App (you probably don\'t need this one but I like having it)

map my run,
may my ride.

okay..the exercise ones are out of the way.

the ones i seem to use ALL the time.
The Weather Channel. really helps me track the systems near me..comes with sky tracker doppler radar images..real time.
some carpenter Level one. it is so cool to get the trailer/camper leveled out perfect. even the cook stove works better plumb..hate when the eggs to to one side.
i have some Cabelas one that lets me track the lunar stuff.

and TAPATALK, so you can check your forums on the go. :)

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