Knife sharpener?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I don\'t have the skill to sharpen my own knife using a stone. (I\'ve never tried)

Are there any user friendly sharpeners that will give a good edge?
They are not nice knives by any means, just stuff I use to gut, dress, and butcher.

I am hoping to dull them up on lots of animals this year, but I want them sharp once I am done butchering each one.
A sharp knife does wonders........
I use a Gatco sharpener system - it works well for what I do
You can find them online for about $40
KME, Gatco, Lansky are just a few of the more popular ones when it come to sharpening most knives. But if you happen own a knife with a scandi grind on the blade, any good stone will work. This is because the perfect angle is already set on the blade for you.
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
KME, Gatco, Lansky are just a few of the more popular ones when it come to sharpening most knives. But if you happen own a knife with a scandi grind on the blade, any good stone will work. This is because the perfect angle is already set on the blade for you.

Thanks for the info, Bill!
I\'m actually looking at a Gatco right now.
for the field, i use an ACCUSHARP.

about mindless sharpening. works very well, if you dont let it get way dull. so pause mid elk and give it a few swipes. it works amazing. you can use it with the light of a headlamp.

for knives; i kinda changed my life when i started buying carbon steel blades. they are the perfect blend of edge durability and ease of re-shapening.
For a feild knife to do skinning and cutting where you don\'t need lateral strength I would recommend looking at Havalon knives. The replacement blades are extremely sharp and help immensely since they are always sharp and can be changed quickly to a new blade. You just can\'t put lateral pressure on them, as the blade will break. So, I also bring a small non folding knife to do cuts where you need a stout knife.

For a sharpener, I have the Sharp Works electric sharpener and it is fantastic. It has different guards for differnt edge angles, so each edge you put on is precise to the guard you are using. I use it for all knives - hunting, fishing, kitchen, etc. It is supposed to work on garden tools as well, but I haven\'t tried it yet. Cabelas has a kit on sale for $90:

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Thanks for all the posts guys. You\'re helping a bunch and making it even harder to decide on what to do :lol:

haha I do appreciate the posts!!!!
i like the Havalon. super sharp. pretty light.

what i dont like about it:
1.every person i see change a blade, i have never seen anyone pack the dull one away safely and bring it out. i dont know what they do with it. drop it down a rabbit hole? i\'d venture a guess that they are littered about. (total guess on my part. and judgemental..sorry) is a single tasker. it is super sharp and cuts great. but in a SHTF moment, it wont strike fire from a ferro rod, you cannot process firewood in an emergency. it would be an awful survival knife is something happened and you need to stay out and survive. buddies carry a leatherman to safely change the blades. voids the weight savings.
4.i love sharpening a knife. i love that tactile and audible feedback you get when you drag a knife on a waterstone.
5.blades break.
my vote goes to worksharp different aggesiveness for belts and it takes so little time to sharpen to shaving its pitiful doesn\'t help much in the field but I just take two knives and have never had a problem usually never switch from the knife I start with. the havalon are sharp but I got two good knives so why change.
I love my Lansky sharpener. The diamond set works the best. But I just have an ordinary set that I supplemented with a fine diamond stone and an ultrafine yellow stone. It get\'s them shaving sharp with no skill required.

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