LED flashlight have gotten crazy!!

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
i carry a flashlight everyday. (and a knife). mine is an older Streamlight Protac 2AA. super bright, super durable.

super bright - so i thought. we finally got work issued flashlights. happy about that, since i keep destroying my own tools. i\'m okay with it, since in constructions, the DARK IS DANGEROUS.

the work torch is more than likely some Chinese made thing that cost very little to make (little $$, not sure on the more global cost) i climbed into our work closet, shut off the lights and fired up both flashlights. HOLY blue orb before my eyes!! the work light is double in brightness. double.

our last flashlights for work were those yellow two double D battery incandacent light. comical.

i start a 3-week night shift early april. bring on the darkness..i am ready.

i wonder if we have seen the end of LED tech yet. no way, right?
It\'s amazing the new lights that are coming out these days.

Surefires are a thing of the past.
Like you said, for cheap money you can buy some BRIGHT STUFF....

HOWEVER, I\'d like to see how long the stuff lasts and how well it stands up to the Dan test.
I destroy everything......it\'s hard to destroy surefires .
\"zpd307\" said:
yep, Chinese crap is crap and doesn\'t last......

i kinda agree, and disagree. i think manufacturing has pulled the wool over our eyes.

take that Streamlight flashlight i mentioned. i bought it at bassPRO for $37 if i remember right. i am almost positive it is from china. it has been kicking ass...i think all LED\'s come from there, and i bet they are all related to that CREE company.

my Surfires have been great. mine are so old, none of them are LED. just the comfy glow of yellow incandescent. i keep them in our cars simply because the CR123 batteries have such excellent shelf-life.

my newest headlamp is a Zebra-light. i think it is from china.
I agree with you also, but.... not starting a debate here.
many companies have their stuff manufactured over seas to cuts production costs, and you still get a warranty, so they are still built decent. I am talking of the knock offs built solely in china as knock offs, they are so cheap, there is no implied warranty.
i\'m pretty sure it\'s the H52W. it runs on a AA battery.

i really wanted to standardize all my batteries in my hunt pack and this was the last piece of that puzzle. its a good headlamp. super light. light enough to jog with and it wont do that \"chinese water torture\" tap on your forehead too badly.

mine isnt that bright..not crazy bright. it is damn near perfect for hiking in the dark. big round light circle. not so bright i cant read a map or a book in the dark. if i need to track blood at night, i ALWAYS carry a flashlight as well.

i dont think it shoots out fairy dust like the forums say all Zebralights do..but it is a good light. you cant accidentally turn it on in the pack.

and the headband is goofy camo colored. you look into your dark pack and it is actually hard to find. i wish it was orange or something.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
i\'m pretty sure it\'s the H52W. it runs on a AA battery.

i really wanted to standardize all my batteries in my hunt pack and this was the last piece of that puzzle. its a good headlamp. super light. light enough to jog with and it wont do that \"chinese water torture\" tap on your forehead too badly.

mine isnt that bright..not crazy bright. it is damn near perfect for hiking in the dark. big round light circle. not so bright i cant read a map or a book in the dark. if i need to track blood at night, i ALWAYS carry a flashlight as well.

i dont think it shoots out fairy dust like the forums say all Zebralights do..but it is a good light. you cant accidentally turn it on in the pack.

and the headband is goofy camo colored. you look into your dark pack and it is actually hard to find. i wish it was orange or something.

Thanks. I need to pick up another headlamp. For some reason my mine headlamp isn\'t working so well after I stepped on it. :D
\"Bowfreak\" said:
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
i\'m pretty sure it\'s the H52W. it runs on a AA battery.

i really wanted to standardize all my batteries in my hunt pack and this was the last piece of that puzzle. its a good headlamp. super light. light enough to jog with and it wont do that \"chinese water torture\" tap on your forehead too badly.

mine isnt that bright..not crazy bright. it is damn near perfect for hiking in the dark. big round light circle. not so bright i cant read a map or a book in the dark. if i need to track blood at night, i ALWAYS carry a flashlight as well.

i dont think it shoots out fairy dust like the forums say all Zebralights do..but it is a good light. you cant accidentally turn it on in the pack.

and the headband is goofy camo colored. you look into your dark pack and it is actually hard to find. i wish it was orange or something.

Thanks. I need to pick up another headlamp. For some reason my mine headlamp isn\'t working so well after I stepped on it. :D


Well a Zebrallight should survive a stepping on :)

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

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