Where I hunt cattle grazing has a strong adverse effect on elk use. Sometimes the forage pretty much all consumed by cattle by the time hunting comes around. The elk are left high on the slopes and in hard to reach places only. Due to severe grazing and heavy hunting pressure most of the elk have gone to the ranch where forage is much better by early in the archery season.
Some areas have no cattle so of coarse there is no cattle problem. Some places have few cattle or they are well managed, so I would assume the conflict is minimal. Other places, like where I hunt, the problem ranges from slight to very significant. What have you observed where you hunt?
Some areas have no cattle so of coarse there is no cattle problem. Some places have few cattle or they are well managed, so I would assume the conflict is minimal. Other places, like where I hunt, the problem ranges from slight to very significant. What have you observed where you hunt?