Lookin around 2016


New member
Jan 4, 2016
Well I have been out a few times looking around seeing some big groups of elk (300+), small groups of elk, sheep, goats, and deer. Found a few bulls a couple that will grow out well. Good luck to all who can get out before the season.

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Nice pics!! Looks like you have found some nice Bulls. I hope you can find them when they have the ladies on their mind. Good luck....
yea, thanks for sharing... I have been poking around some otc areas myself, saw some pretty wild flowers but no bulls in that class! nice!
I fell in love with that area the 1st time I saw it... :upthumb: :upthumb:

Hunted it one year and then move south so it would be closer for us to travel... That may have been a bad decision but hind sight is always 20/20 they always say... :downthumb: :downthumb:
Interesting that you found goats in Unit 16 (assuming CO 16?) You should let Pepper know at the CPW office because I don\'t think they\'re aware of them. Did you get any photos? That\'s pretty cool.

Nice summer bulls! I know where there is a herd of 400 in 16 now on public land, but they\'ll be on a couple big ranches after the first couple days of the season, if not before.
Thanks and kinda funny or I changed the title as I was not in unit 16. I will add a few pics here and there to this thread and the 16 is in reference to the year not the unit as I dont even know that much about 16. Added a pic of the goats but they were a long way off as well.

Ran into a few more elk one bull that looked like a giant real wide but I could not get a pic before they moved into the trees and he was a long way off. Also moose, and a hawk. The very young moose was at about 12 yds and wandered off quickly after we ran into each other in some thick stuff! I am looking for deer that I saw a total of 0 bucks in the couple of days I was able to get out. Good country that should hold deer but just did not see that many.

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Found a good moose that has a camp chair stuck in his antlers. Someone out there has a story!

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:lol: :lol: that\'s a great pic. I wonder if he will still have it in his antlers this fall and if he gets harvested will the hunter do the mount with the chair in it. :lol:
I wonder if someone was setting in the chair at the time it got tangled in his antlers????? :lol: :lol:

And yep he is a great bull... :upthumb: :upthumb:
Well off work for 3 days and I am stuck inside due to total cloud/rain coverage today.. So I thought I would post a few pics from the past bit in here. Focusing more on deer than elk these days as archery opener is 3 weeks away.

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Not a bad group with one better buck in it.

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Another good buck

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