Looking for Hunting Partner/Partners


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Hello All,
I am looking for a person or a group to go bowhunting with here in Colorado. I have been here for almost 3 years and killed my first mule deer buck last year with the rifle. I have 15+ years experience bowhunting back east for whitetails and am an Eagle scout. Non-smokers only Please! A local person in Colorado would be ideal as well.

I am looking to hunt the 2015 September elk season (Maybe even deer season) and was hoping to be going with 1 or more people that share the same hunting passion as me. I would like to do 1 or 2 3-4 day overnight hunts. I have several areas that I am already focused on and have scouted. I am a 33 year old CPA with a family.I live in Thornton and I also hunt pheasants and blue grouse with my GSP. Please message me or leave a post on this board. Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks!
do you like walks on a sandy beach, under the star light, dinner by candle light, and cute fuzzy kittens? if so, im in! :D
seriously, I am headed back to Idaho again this year. good luck with your search.
Luxus: Welcome to the forum and best wishes. I hope you find a partner as they can add a lot to a major hunt. People looking for someone to hunt with are frequent on internet hunting forums. Usually they have a tough time. It appears easier to get invited along for a hunt where no further commitments are made up front. That way you get to know each other and can go from there. Hunting partners can form a very special bond. You get to know each other and almost can read each others mind.
Frankly, I would do some scouting on Google Earth and some good topographic maps, and invite someone to go scout on the ground with me, or go scout alone and during the hunt meet some people then invite them to join with you after you get acquainted. Get to know the folks on this forum and let them get to know you. There are some very fine folks that frequent this forum. Maybe you will find a good match.
Again welcome, and all the best to you.
Hi joe, welcome to BTO!

There are a few guys here that may be able to help you in your search, with a bit more info on your type of hunting style, we can sure try to set you up.

Do you want to head into the backcountry on those overnight hunts? Or do you want to camp out of a truck and hunt an area?
How far do you want to travel to get to hunt?

Have you been applying for Pref Ponts in Colorado?

Are you practicing your elk calling? :)
There are some great threads on here to help you with that - sponsors too

Jump on in and ask any questions you have, that\'s what we do here!
Thanks for the replies guys. Excited to be on this forum. Yea looking for hunting partners is tough...I have a few cousins that live here but are a bunch of pansies and rather stay home then camp and hunt.

Ideally I would like to head into the backcountry on those overnight hunts and camp. I would be open to camping out of a truck. I would like to stay within 4 hours of the front range. I can only do a 3-5 day hunt..between work and a 2 year old at home my time is very limited.

I do have 2 pref points for Elk. I have not yet started elk calling, but will begin very soon.
I got your email and will call over the weekend.

Just to let you know that what you are requesting can be accomplished.
Just last year, two BTO members, \'bowhunter\' from Iowa and \'razorback\' from Missouri hooked up for an elk hunt.
The ended up getting a bull and they packed it out together.

Maybe they will post on how new acquaintances can make an elk hunt happen easier
Welcome Joe.

I\'m glad you got my message and made you\'re way over to the site!
There are some great guys on here and I knew they could take care of you!
I have seen how hard people have tried to get something started on other forums and have failed. You people here continue to make a big difference. I hope things can continue to work so that more hunters can enjoy the sport in a productive and mutually beneficial way. Maybe we should be e-harmony/BTO.com. :D
Sounds like you are on the right forum, asking the right questions!

This place is great to help get a start.

It seems to me that \"getting a start\" is the toughest part of elk hunting ... and it\'s a great use of the forum.

You are looking in the right place.

Last year was my first year to elk hunt. I was planning a solo hunt. I ended up getting an invite from \"bowhunter\", some of his hunting partners cancelled on him. He had all of the gear, the spot and a lot more experience than I did, not to mention just a great guy. I basically lucked out.

Our hunting area probably wasn\'t the greatest but he managed to kill a nice bull on opening day. We spent the next day packing it out which believe it or not was a pretty good time. It was something I had always wanted to do. I didn\'t kill but did hear some bugles seen a cow elk and cow moose and several mule deer.

I learned a lot from bowhunter and still have so much more to learn that will likely have to be learned the hard way. I was very fortunate in that bowhunter shared a lot of the same ideas about hunting as myself.

Best of luck to you in your endeavors. Hope you kill a toad!
It\'s hard not to have a good attitude when a flatlander gets to go out west and see those mountains and hear a bugle!
\"Deertick\" said:
But Razorback, you had a big advantage: You had a real good attitude :lol:

Yes Razorback had a great attitude. I have hunted with someone who allways whined when we didn\'t see any elk and the 2013 monsoons in Colorado had everything green above treeline. The elk hadn\'t moved into our area yet. He was depressing to be with. Not again. I planned a hunt with someone else whom I have known for a while and his work cancelled all vacation for their employees in August. I planned on solo till about 2 weeks before season when I offered for Razorback to join me.

We went seperate ways on the first day. I saw several elk and heard some that stayed hidden. I managed to still hunt within 25 yards of a feeding bull and arrow him. We packed him out the next day. I then hunted with Razorback some days and let him have some space and enjoy hunting by himself others. We had a good time and some opportunities. If only that bull at the wallow had come to my cow calls. I bet he had his mind made up to head the other way before I tried calling him.

Joe, you are doing the right thing by asking early for a partner. I see too many people post on the web in late July or August. That is too late most people have made plans. Good luck and don\'t be afraid to go by yourself. Just know your limits and hunt safe, but I bet you will find someone.
Guys. Thanks for the responses and posts. As of now I will plan a solo hunt and hopefully I will find a good partner to hunt with. Good thing is that I do bring a good attitude. While shooting an elk would be fantastic, I understand that this is hunting. I really just enjoy getting outdoors and enjoying the opportunity to hunt in Colorado. I grew up in New York City and work in an office...so being outdoors is a blessing that I always enjoy, whether I am successful or not.

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