Looks like my son drew his Colorado gmu14/214 doe tag muzzy

Kevin W

New member
Sep 9, 2015
Looks like my 15 yr old son drew his Colorado gmu14/214 doe tag muzzy, I am hoping he draws a cow elk muzzy to go with this tag but either way we will be coming out to hunt. As many of you know I don\'t have a tag (or even put in for a tag) and am chauffeur / packer / poor guide for him as he\'s severely bitten by the hunting bug. Any advice on Colorado GMU 14 / 214 would be welcome. Advice here or pm would be great, Thanks Kevin.
Thanks!!!! He was pretty excited about it when I told him it looks like he drew the tag.
Thanks!!! I put him in for Youth Doe Deer and Youth Cow Elk for two reasons. 1) obviously easier draw odd\'s and 2) My son now understands that a cow would be one heck of an accomplishment.
Going out on last years elk hunt in Wyoming my son had it in his head that he would pass any cow and wait for a bull. We talked about this alot, neither of us had ever elk hunted before. His tag, his choice. Then during our hunt that idea quickly changed from waiting for a bull........ to being open to taking a cow........ then to just wanting to see an elk.
When we were heading home last year we discussed just how different and tough western hunting was compared to our midwest hunts where the family farm is an easy walk and an easy place to hunt; being that we typically know where the deer bed, feed and come from when pushed from the neighbors.
These hunts started out a few years ago with antelope and have evolved to elk, with it my son\'s confidence is growing as fast as he is. I look forward to the week out west more and more each year. Kevin.
Great ML deer tag for a youth!
When/if he draws his ML co tag, I can help you look at some areas
Kevin, unfortunately I am no help with those couple of units, but congrats to your son on drawing the tag. Even if he doesn\'t draw the elk tag you should have a great time up there. It\'s beautiful country for sure and finding a doe should be easier than finding elk. Keep us posted on how the elk drawing goes and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you out!
Oh My!!!!! Kenny drew the cow elk tag as well. I bet he gets up quick this morning when I tell him :) Reality for me is quickly setting in!!!!!!!
\"Kevin W\" said:
Oh My!!!!! Kenny drew the cow elk tag as well. I bet he gets up quick this morning when I tell him :) Reality for me is quickly setting in!!!!!!!

Carry plenty of ice chest with you this time or be prepared to buy some before you come home... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

Congrats to Kenny and hope these next few month go by fast for ya\'ll... :D :D