Made a major equipment change today

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
Well not really major but I acquired a backpack for my little oxygen cylinders to replace my shoulder bag... :upthumb: :upthumb:

Now it don\'t look like I\'m caring a purse anyway... :D :D

I do have a question though... This also has a strap that goes across my upper chest area... I thought the strap was supposed to be a waist strap... Is that right??? Does the strap go up that high or should it be down around your waist?????
I asked my wife Phil and she said if the tank is in the middle of your back it is a chest strap. Kinda hard to say for sure without seeing it.

Any way you can post a pic of it so she can see it?
\"F M\" said:
I asked my wife Phil and she said if the tank is in the middle of your back it is a chest strap. Kinda hard to say for sure without seeing it.

Any way you can post a pic of it so she can see it?

Here\'s a picture of the harness.... It fits more up closer to my neck than chest...

Phil, can you adjust the shoulder straps up top so that goes more across your chest? I\'m guessing that is where it\'s supposed to be. If you can lengthen the straps from up top instead of the bottom, I would think that would help.
I\'ve played with the adjustments and I might have to cnelk it to make it fit over my hunting clothes and waders... :D :D
I was looking at backpacks this morning on the internet and the hydration packs look a lot like what I\'ve got now....

I\'ve got a question for any or all of ya.... Do you have problem getting you pack on over a heavy hunting coat????
I wear some heavy clothes in Iowa winters. No problems here. I loosen the straps all the way up when I take it off. Goes on easy then tighten it down.