Making a list, checking it twice...

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
I have a good list for packing my day hunting pack, TZ 2220, but I feel as if I am forgetting something. Without posting my pretty standard list, what items do you bring that I may be forgetting?

Zipties...check, Sharpie for signing my tag, check.
Ziplock baggies? I bring them for the odd meat bits. Heart liver. Tongue.

Typos and bad grammar sponsored by iPhone!
An extra knife and a small pocket size diamond steel that collapses and fits in a sheath. I all ways carry baling twine, if you don\'t have that, para cord will do the same. Surveyors ribbon to mark a trail.
Something to make fire. Something to make water. Cord to make shelter.

(I use a cheap lighter, Iodine pills, and paracord/zipties).

Oh, and never leave without a camera. Memories are what you\'re after, after all!
The one thing I always want to make sure I have is my tag and my drivers license...on top of that, here are a few other things that haven\'t been mentioned here: emergency blanket, compass, map, and TOILET PAPER :upthumb:

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