Merriam's Turkey Hunt for Next Spring. NM or SD?


New member
Oct 15, 2014
Hey guys.  I  am about to graduate from college and I wanted to take off with couple of friends and hunt some Merriam's gobblers in early May.  Right now I am thinking about either South Dakota or New Mexico.  We want a straight public land hunt so I was looking at the Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota, and for New Mexico I was looking at the Gila, Lincoln, Carson, or Santa Fe National Forests.  Which would be your preference?  Any tips or experience from these mentioned areas would be appreciated![/size]  If any of you fellas have any better suggestions I am open to them and will take any and all advice.  Not looking to do a guided hunt, but really want a public land hunt with a lot of room to roam.  Thanks!

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