Messing with camp


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Anyone ever had trouble with PEOPLE in your camp while you\'re gone?

Theft, destruction, or just general trouble-making?

How do you defend your stuff?
thats a great question deertick. i ask the same thing a couple years ago an nobody had had any problems that answered my question. however, i camp on a road so i just cant get myself to leave my stuff up there for a week without me being there. i wish i could. it would be so much easier an nicer not to have to set up camp everytime i head back to work.
I have not had any problems. I did have a Granby County deputy stop by and warn me last year that a few vehicles had been broken into by trailheads in the area. He left his card and gave me a description of the vehicle.
We have never had an issue and we camp right off the side of the road most years. However, a lot of times we will leave at least one vehicle there, which would help I assume. We will leave most of our camp gear in there, but obviously guns, money, etc don\'t get left behind.
After at least 50 years of camping and leaving my vehicles, including Forest Service vehicles, in the forest, I have never had a problem. People will steal tree stands and other things associated with tree stands, but so far my camp and vehicle has been left alone. I try to minimize my vulnerability to theft by locking things up as much as possible, but I know that is only a deterrent to those that are not committed to being a problem.
I havent had any problems either near a road.
But I use one of my game cameras placed in a strategic place as a \'piece of mind\' also
\"cnelk\" said:
But I use one of my game cameras placed in a strategic place as a \'piece of mind\' also

Good Idea. At least you might have a pic and plate number if someone did mess with camp.
I\'ve never had any trouble ... but I always worry. Heck, some of my most-valued possessions are in camp! (Like food, shelter, etc.)
I\'ve never had anybody mess with my stuff. It would take a brave person to mess with a hunters camp, especially since everyone is armed. :mg:
did have a guy cut our horses loose one time at elk camp don\'t know who did it but its probably best that way! luckily found them a short distance from camp at the watering hole its a pretty bad feeling when you return to camp after dark to find horses aren\'t where you tied them and then find rope cut. That has been the only time in twenty plus years of going most of the time its never been an issue.
\"Tdiesel\" said:
did have a guy cut our horses loose one time at elk camp don\'t know who did it but its probably best that way! luckily found them a short distance from camp at the watering hole its a pretty bad feeling when you return to camp after dark to find horses aren\'t where you tied them and then find rope cut. That has been the only time in twenty plus years of going most of the time its never been an issue.

I thought that happened to me once ... turned out to the the horse. Amazing, but she could work the buckle ... now I use a different kind of buckle!

It is kind of scary to return to where you tied up a horse, ready for a ride in the dark back to camp, and not find her!\\
we always stake them to long picket ropes they were cut clean about two feet from halter on all three horses . saw some boot tracks but it was too late to follow those out but I\'m afraid what would have happened had we caught them I was pretty hot and even waited around camp the next day but they were smart enough to not return , probably better that way. never had anything like that before or since that was back in 2004. Always is still a relief to see them back at camp though, I guess deep down you always still have a little fear scarred in your memory.
Critters - squirrel ate my rainfly web buckle and corner.

Brad had previously mentioned the trail cam idea. This year I am setting out a trail cam so I may report the squirrel to the sheriff\'s office with proof.

In all seriousness, last year, I saw a lot of new hunters on the road next to my camp. Several of the regular hunters know me and stop to chat. One car load of youngsters driving frequently on the road caught my attention. Those youngsters followed one of the regular hunters and hunted on top of him. Not sure of their ethics, therefore, a trail cam will be set at camp.

In the 22 years of parking my car at trailheads in CO, I have never had my car broken into. All but one of my cars did not have fancy alarm systems. I am more worried about bears breaking into my car or tent.
Had a guy steal a trail cam one year that was less then 80 yards from camp, i never bought another 200.00 camera again....i play cheap now

Extra rifle and shotgun get locked in the truck and truck keys get hid in tent.

Sure wish all hunters were honest and trust worthy.
\"JohnFitzgerald\" said:
I\'ve never had anybody mess with my stuff. It would take a brave person to mess with a hunters camp, especially since everyone is armed. :mg:
Exactly !
In 2012 I and a buddy were headed in to set up a spike camp when I looked down to see a bugle tube laying on the trail. I picked it up and away we went. 2 days later we were went back to the road to dry out clothes and run to town to call home and I left my super spike duffle lay under the vestibule of the spike camp tent (which was zipped shut) which had the found bugle tube in it. We returned to spike camp the next morning and everything appeared to be as we left it. I dug through my super spike duffle to find the bugle missing. Nothing else was missing but it still pissed me off that someone had opened my vestibule then opened my spike duffle to get the bugle I found laying in the middle of the trail. Maybe I shouldn\'t have picked the tube up allowing the rightful owner to back track and find it maybe I did the right thing by picking it up who knows....
\"dlnwohio\" said:
In 2012 I and a buddy were headed in to set up a spike camp when I looked down to see a bugle tube laying on the trail. I picked it up and away we went. 2 days later we were went back to the road to dry out clothes and run to town to call home and I left my super spike duffle lay under the vestibule of the spike camp tent (which was zipped shut) which had the found bugle tube in it. We returned to spike camp the next morning and everything appeared to be as we left it. I dug through my super spike duffle to find the bugle missing. Nothing else was missing but it still pissed me off that someone had opened my vestibule then opened my spike duffle to get the bugle I found laying in the middle of the trail. Maybe I shouldn\'t have picked the tube up allowing the rightful owner to back track and find it maybe I did the right thing by picking it up who knows....

I don\'t think you did anything wrong by picking it up. I believe the other hunter should not have gone through your stuff. He was honest and only took what was his. So that was a good thing. Maybe you should have hung the bugle outside your tent in plain view. I found an arrow near my camp a couple years ago. Several hunters had parked near the area and walked in to hunt. I placed the arrow in the dirt sticking up next to my camp for the owner to have if they came back. The arrow was still there a week later when I was pulling out so it became an addition to my quiver. I have lost arrows going through some brush before but never bothered to go back for them. It was too far for an arrow.