MO Turkey Double

N&N Waterfowl

New member
Mar 30, 2016
[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->2016 MO Turkey.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]My cousin and I made quick work of the MO turkey opener. We were back to the truck with two nice toms by 7:30!


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\"cnelk\" said:
Very nice!

There MUST be a story??? :clap:

Of course there is always a story!! We had been trying for a couple years to get deer hunting permission on this piece of property. Farm is approximately 360 acres, and we have permission to deer hunt on an 80 acre parcel that attaches to the 360 acres. We would always stop by and help out the farmer however we could when we were in the area, but his family rifle deer hunted the place. So, understandably he didn\'t want to give more hunters permission. We totally understood, but that didn\'t stop us from stopping by, saying hi, and lending a helping hand when he would let us. He gave us permission to access a couple of our stands from his property, and we were always happy to help out. Even if it was as simple as bringing up his trash cans or putting his morning paper on the front porch. So early last week, I recieved a call from the farmer asking if we would want to turkey hunt on his farm. He said that he was hearing a large number of gobblers in the morning and evenings. Well, we jumped at the chance and told him we would be out there before sunrise on Monday. Asked him where we should park, etc.

Monday we got out to the fields before sunrise and just planned on listening for some toms and then decideingwhere we would setup. Around 6:00am the area just erupted. We identified at least 5 seperate locations with an active bird, and several you could tell had multiple birds. So, we head towards one and setup. I was calling and my cousin was the shooter. We heard them fly down from the roost...gobbling the whole time. Gave a couple soft purrs and a cluck or two, and two toms came straight into the decoys. Not more than 10 minutes off the roost. Cousin picked out the dominate Tom and bang...first bird down and it was only 6:30am.

We let the woods die down for about 5-10 minutes, and started listening and heard a couple more toms maybe 300-400 yards away. We cut the distance to about half, and found a treeline that cuts down the center of two winter wheat fields. Hadn\'t heard anything since we headed in their, a couple more soft hen sounds and a group of 3-4 toms just exploded. They were just inside the tree line about 150-200 yards across the winter wheat. Waited a couple minutes and they gobbled again on their own. So, I cut them off with some more aggresive sounds. Well that really pissed them off. Not a minute later the dominate tom was crossing the winter wheat field in full strut heading right towards us. Came withing 10 yards of the hen decoy (he was now 30-35 yards from us)....bang and second bird down and it was just after 7am. Snapped a couple pics and headed back to the truck.

As everyone know, hunts rarely turn out like this. Especially, for being the first time we stepped foot onto this property. But when everything comes together just sure is a rush!!
sweet, and getting permission for private ground in mo, very hard to do. well done

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