moon phase


New member
Feb 9, 2014
Any comments on how the moon phase effects the elk hunting in Colorado?  We are planning an archery hunt this year and would like to go for the season opener however the darker moon window is short.  Anybody have luck at all working them during the times of the bright moon?  Here in PA the whitetail hunting is not so good at that time and we have been told the same holds true for the elk.
Moon Phase seems to affect all animals and fish, but you can't always plan around the moon. they still have to eat and drink no matter what the moon is doing.
I hunt when ever I can, and have taken animals in all phases of the moon.
But the 1 thing that I have found over the years, on a full Moon phase, it seems like the middle part of the day is a good time to be in the woods if you can, say from 10am to about 2 or 3pm.

There have been a lot of posts on this topic in the past. You may want to do a search on it. Never the less...My experience has showed that elk will be more active at night during a full moon. They seem to travel more in the bright moon(further distances). Because of this, they generally don't move until right before dark and are often headed for bed before it gets light out or just after first light. However, there is usually a better mid day movement because elk don't seem to be able to lay down for that long of a period. With that said, if hunting a new moon(where it pretty much doesn't exist) I have found that the elk will travel less distance at night, stay out a touch longer in the morning before going to bed for the day, and usually will come out a little earlier in the evening. With that comes a little less mid day movement. But like mentioned previously...elk don't have a script. They go where they want when they want. Hunt hard and adapt!!! Good luck!!!
If the cows are in estrous the moon matters little.  Bulls will scream and chase breed-able cows till they are totally exhausted.  If you are on either side of the rut however, the full moon will tend to limit your mid-day hunting opportunities.  Especially so if the herd has seen hunting pressure.  Elk are smart and know hunters show up with the light of day.  If they can water and feed under moonlight they deliberately will, and be headed up to bed early in the day.  During the full moon I'm out an hour before light listening for bugles and movement.  This puts you ahead of the game providing you're not making a racket.  Remember you can always sleep during the day as well, so missing some sleep in the wee hours of daylight matters not, and can really increase your opportunity when the herd is moving by moonlight. 
Yep what they all said is purty much what I think too. Hunt when you can. T :eek:he less of a moon the better. 
Moon Phase means as much as your camo pattern...  Not much.  Just worry about the things you CAN control.
Not sure about September in Co. but in my area in N. Idaho, the full moon kicks my butt for morning hunts. But, mid-day and evening hunts can be really good. Just gotta make sure moon or no moon, you need to be in the elk woods  :)