Before I logged onto Backtrack this morning, my co-worker was asking about the back door to check on his deer and that he didn\'t see a 500 code. He asked to see what mine looked like, so I logged on. I was in shock and disbelief for a few seconds, saying holy $***, I drew my moose tag! Code 575 is staring me in the face!
I called my hunting partner and said I have a horribly great problem to have, and he said - \"You drew your moose didn\'t you?!\" He said I will get two trophy animals this year and a new baby - all in the same month!
I called my wife and let her know, and she said I need to loose some weight and be ready to run, because those things will run you over! Then she asked if I was rifle or archery hunting, I said archery. So, she told me I better work on loading arrows quickly and shoot at least two into it because they are so big!
Early on in the application process my wife said maybe the baby will bring you luck. We\'ll the little girl is doing just that. I\'m very thankful that our aunt lives with us, as she will be an enormous help with my wife when the little one comes. Then, my parents only live 5 minutes away, so that is another big help. It is going to be back-to-back hunts and I\'ll have to figure out how I work out vacation and newborn time with my employer!
You will be getting a packet from the CPW and if you want to adjust your tag to a different season, you can do that if you want.
The packet will also ask if you want to decline the tag as they will pass it along to someone else [ I highly doubt you will tho!]
Congratulation, Roman on both the tags and the new little one on the way... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
I need for you and Brad to both rub the same rabbits foot and send it to me before the June 27th since I got a better chance this year to be drawn... They are drawing for 23 tags.... :lol: :lol: