My countdown

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
My countdown to muzzle loader season has started.... :upthumb: :upthumb:

Same as Colorado 1st rifle....

16 days and I\'m nowhere near ready... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Good luck, Phil!

Oklahoma opens Saturday for me, but I\'ll be taking a guy on his first antelope hunt ever.
So I wont get out until next weekend. Then when I move I have to wait until Oct 22nd for the open!
If you remember last fall I came home from the deer camp 1st week of Nov for a Dr\'s appointment which lead to me coming back on Sunday Nov 22nd for a outpatient needle biopsy of my right lung on the 23rd.... And things went downhill from there... :downthumb: :downthumb:

Anyhow, my rifle and muzzle loader were both still at the deer camp.... The muzzle loader still loaded but no primer on it... They both got brought back to me during the spring turkey season but put in my son\'s gun safe, not mine...

Fast forward to early teal season in early Sept this year... We both remember my rifles and I ask it he had cleaned either of them... I knew the answer before I ask... Nope...

Long story short, I got both the rifles today... Now I have to decide if I want to shoot the muzzle loader out or remove the breech plug and go out that way with the pellets and bullet... After being in there this long I\'m really debating about shooting it but it had only been shot once and reloaded since it was cleaned good...

So if you don\'t hear from me again you\'ll know I decided to shoot it out and things went downhill, AGAIN.... :D :D
Phil It should be fine. Shoot it out and check your aim. If it is on then clean her up and all you have to do is load it and go. :upthumb:

I have left my muzzy loaded all year before. I clean it after I shoot it. I then dry it good. I loaded it up before season and if I don\'t shoot it I\'m ready for the next season. I don\'t use pellets though. Granular Triple 7.
I finally got around to shooting out my muzzle loader yesterday, and I\'m still here... :lol: :lol: I was waiting so I could do everything at the same time... :upthumb: :upthumb:

Check sight in of bench with sand bags.... Didn\'t fire with the 1st primer... :silent: :silent: Fired just fine with 2nd primer and hit where I had it sighted in for... :upthumb: :upthumb: Fired one more just to make sure and it cut the 1st hole... :upthumb: :upthumb: Cleaned it when I got home... So it\'s ready to go and I hope I am too... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Today was pulmonary doctor day... 1st words out of his mouth was DEER and HUNTING... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Long story but I\'m now on the upside and not going downhill right now... And he gave me his blessing for my deer hunts... :D :D He did say that we finally hit on the right medication combo... Don\'t have to go back now for 6 months... It was 2 months then 3 months a couple of times... So my wife and I are glad about that...

Friday week my wife and I head out to the deer camp... :upthumb: :upthumb:
I\'m surprised it didn\'t go off with the first primer. Must be all the humidity down there. Glad it was shooting great and still on. Now clean it up and go shoot a big deer! Good luck Phil......
Good luck Phil. Can\'t wait to see some pics from Arkyville. :upthumb:
Due to a lot of different things beyond our control :cry: :cry: none of our family has been to the deer camp since the spring turkey season... :downthumb: :downthumb:

Some of my friends down there have gotton my only stand that I can get in anymore ready to hunt or at least they have tried there best to do so...

It\'s really nice to have good friends... :clap: :clap:

As we speak, my oldest daughter in laws daddy is in the hospital for the 2nd time since Sept with a heart attack.. This time he has pneumonia, UTI and is anemic also. He\'s 85 years old and has told his two girls he doesn\'t want any aggressive treatment or lifesaving measures to be used.. :( :( He\'s a tough old man but even with that his body can only stand so much... They have now taken him off life support and only have him on oxygen and medication to keep him comfortable... Being a RN, my oldest daughter in law and her sister have decided to take him to his home this afternoon where they can care for him and friends can come to visit... Also they have call in Hospice for additional help... My wife and some folks from his church are cleaning his house this morning...

Please say a prayer for our extended family...

On a lighter note, :D :D we still leave in 3 days and hope and pray we don\'t get called back home but it want be the 1st time that has happen...
Yesterday was one of those chaotic days. More when I get home but we did make it to the deer camp just somewhat later than we hoped.
1st morning was a bit eventful but nothing I wanted to shoot YET.
One of my friends at the camp did kill a good 8 point for our area.
Mine hasn\'t show up YET... :D :D
Not good cell service this year so I\'ll wait till I get something or when I get home for more information.
Not much to say but the garbage man has been busy. :D :D
No deer but a unlucky sow hog with a bunch of little piggies and a
just as unlucky coyote fell to the garbage man\'s muzzle loader.
When I told the folks here at camp I was getting rid of all the garbage
for them they nicknamed me the garbage man.
It has been very unseasonably HOTfor our area. Maybe a cool down is coming...
More garbage to come later. :lol: :lol:
And maybe even a deer or 2... ;) ;)
Congrats on the pig and dog. :clap: Now that you know the smoke pole still shoots straight go get a deer. :upthumb: