My first \'hood!

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
Just got black from bow range. My focus was trigger control and my pins. I tried something new. I wanted to force the eye focus on the pins and let the target go fuzzy. I used to put the fuzzy pin on the clear target. Remember I am not shooting with my dominant eye. I then hooked my second finger joint on the trigger and pulled it using pure back tension. I kid you not. I was shooting two inch groups at 50 yards! I stepped up to 40 and my first two arrows. CRACK! I\'ve never heard that type of noise so I sprinted to the target. Wow!!!! I was so happy, and then......crap! That\'s a $25 dollar loss!

Oh well. I was on fire all day! Poor deer. Perfect Robin Hood. Straight down the middle. Both shots were money.



Sent via Jedi mind trick.
Great shooting, Cliff!!!!!!!!

It\'s nice to get one out of the way, just don\'t make it a habit. :wave:

I have the same issue with the pin or target fuzz. Figure out what works best for you and roll with it. :thewave:
the novelty wore i\'m just bummed and contemplating shopping for new arrows..hahah.

they are not getting any cheaper.

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