my wife


New member
Mar 2, 2014
got offered a job promotion, but would take us to nebraska. i love colorado, but she loves her job. just should be interesting
Where in Nebraska? I spent my first 40 years there, so I know the place pretty well.

What kind of work does she do?

In fact, I\'m leaving in less than an hour to go turkey hunting there ... so it may be a bit before I respond, but Nebraska has some really great opportunities.
Do what you can to support her. For me it wasn\'t a move from an area but returning to school and a handful of stressful career choices. Things have settled down and what I\'ve sacrificed in personal outdoor activity had paid off in spades. We have never been happier and I get to hunt and fish ALOT. :dance2:
There\'s plenty of animals to hunt in Nebraska and as a resident it would be pretty cheap for tags.
Also close enough to Colorado to come out elk hunting every year or so.
The down side is the Colorado Non-Res tag fees.
thanks guys, not sure where we would be located. it would be a regional job so would have to find a place. havnt got that far yet. not sure what will happen yet. time will tell. its her choice though
Besides all the hunting and fishing opportunities, just think of all the free roast-n-ears in the early summer. :D I have some good friends in the Kearney area that might be willing to show you around a bit if you land in that area.

I\'ll bet the cost of living is cheaper there :upthumb:
thanks bill, yea im sure the cost of living would be cheaper, so even nr tags might still save me money. but the views will suck.
My marriage counselor would have told me I should to anything and everything to appease the Mrs.

Which is why we fired her.

Good luck with the decision!