Need Game Cam Help


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Someone has been stealing my fence. They fence was gone within 3 days after I built it. So today I re-placed it and I want to place a game cam so I can catch the culpurt if he returns to steal it again.

I\'m looking for a way to hide the cam so they will never be able to see it. I\'m thinking about placing it under some sagebrush on the hillside about 30 feet or so from the fence. But, I\'m afraid they might see those little LEDs if the sun happens to reflect off of them. There are 46 clear LEDs, one red one and one green one.

So would it be possible to cover the LEDs with camo tape and still be able to take pictures?? There is no flash when the camera goes off, only a little red LED that blinks once.

Thanks in advance for any advice you good trail cam guys can offer.
Ill raise you one. Make me a pot of coffee for my thermos and Ill sit outside with my .357 magnum and I can find out who is taking your stuff.

In all seriousness, I believe you will be able to get day pictures with the LEDs covered, but your issue will be at night time.
Id recommend taping it up and doing a test run around the yard. You can see if it\'ll work real quick.

Night time though, that is where I don\'t think it\'ll work....
I talked to Bill on the phone tonight and we discussed some ideas.

I told him that if he puts some sort of distraction on the other side of the road, it will get the attention and not on the camera.
no idea how to help ya. but sorry this is happening. there are alot of low class ......... people out there.
What kind of fence are we talking about here? That seems ... bold. And there\'s nothing good about bold thieves.

I have a couple cameras up around my property. My barn is nearly a half-mile from my house, so cameras are in place there, and then around my house, too. I don\'t hide them too terribly well. I figure that if they know they\'re there, they have to suspect there are more ... that someone cares and is on to them.

Now, that requires a thief with some ability to think, and your thieves may not have that much \"executive function\" working for them.

But one thought is just to \"seem\" to hide them, with the intent of establishing some question of safety in your thieves\' minds.

(Side story: My wife had to emergently \"borrow\" my neighbor\'s horse trailer once. He wasn\'t home, but she knew he wouldn\'t mind. The horse was injured and our trailer was out of commission. So, she \"borrowed\" his trailer, not realizing he had some trail cameras out.

He laughed when he saw the pictures. \"Your wife can hook up and steal my trailer in under 3 minutes!\" he told me.)
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have given up on the fence idea and went to the gravel quarry and bought a bunch of boulders that weigh just shy of 1 ton apiece and lined them up where the stolen part of the fence was. They\'ll have to put in some real effort if they want to steal those rocks. But, nothing surprises me any more!!!!
Since you don\'t need any help with your camera now I\'ll just drop a hint for next time... Some of the window tint film works most of the time on your LED\'s as for the flashing red light just regular black electricians tape will work as will camo tape... Neither shouldn\'t interfere with the operation of you camera..

If it was me I\'d set my camera out just to see if anyone wants to tackle those 1 ton boulders... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You can add this sign to the fence post!!


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Bill, if you change your mind, I\'ll send you my Browning Blackops trail camera - totally black and no red leds at night!

Of course, I prefer Dan\'s method!

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