Need your opinions


New member
Mar 2, 2014
I have decided to get this years buck mounted and wanted to get your guys thoughts on these two styles of mounts or others you might suggest. The spot that I have picked out is in the back corner of the house. I would like the mount to look back into the room. With that being said I think I need the mount to have a pretty good right turn. I took a picture of the rack and where it is going and two of the forms I have narrowed it down to. I am leaning towards the wall pedestal on the left. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.[/urlurl=]
The hard turned one to me by the pic of the form looks like the right side might hit the wall. I think it would look good like that though.
Like we discussed, think about how it would look in case you put it in a different spot.
But I have mounts positioned that compliment other poses too so its always a toss up :)

Do what you think is right and enjoy it!
I like to mount a deer so it can be moved if needed at a later date also...

That said I also like something that\"s \"different\" than my other deer and the wall pedestal will be that no matter where you want to put it as long as it faces the proper direction...
I like the hard turned one!
I\'ve never really been a fan of wall pedestals.

I also feel like you\'ll kill something much larger. If I were to ever do a wall pedestal it would be on a STUD! :upthumb:

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