Nervous Grunt or Nervous Bark???


New member
Mar 3, 2014
I didn\'t want to hijack Elk Snipers thread but seeing as how he brought it up, I thought it might be a good time to have a discussion about the two different names for the same sound.

First of all, I want you to know how the term (nervous grunt) came about. If you recall, several years ago, Elknut came up with the term Popping Grunt. I had never heard of such a thing. So, I called him on the phone and ask, \"What the heck are you talking about\"? He did the call over the phone so I could hear it. And low and behold, it was nothing more than a nervous bark. He just had his own name that he coined for it. After we talked about it for awhile, he decided that maybe I had a point and conceded to the fact that it might just be a nervous type of sound. And after that, he changed it from popping grunt to nervous grunt. But he was reluctant to call it a bark instead a grunt. You can verify this on one of his videos where he mentions this and even calls me by name on the DVD.

So there you have it! Now you know where the term nervous grunt comes from! :roll:

However, even Elknut has said that the nervous grunt and the warning bark sound very much alike and the  main difference is the repetition of the call. The nervous grunt is given only once or twice. Where the warning bark can be repeated several times as long as the elk feels the threat.

Now I ask you, if both sounds sound basically the same, have you ever heard of a (warning grunt)? I didn\'t think so ! That is why I always refer to the so called popping grunt/nervous grunt as a nervous bark and not a grunt at all.
Exactly right on in my book! Thank you for clarifying that.

I started a thread a while back asking what the difference was. To me \"the sound\" is the same. It\'s a bark and the degree or amount in which it\'s used in the true meaning. It never made sense to me that if given once, it\'s a nervous grunt and more than once it\'s a warning bark! :crazy:

I feel that giving different titles to virtually the same sound makes things complicated and confuses the heck out of people.

Unfortantely, everyone now knows it as a nervous grunt. :downthumb:

Now how about the Advertising Bugle vs. the Location Bugle? Maybe Chris Roe has a point when he defines a \"Contact Bugle\". :D
Thanks WW for bringing that up. I\'ve always felt the NB and WB were the same sound, at least to my ear. For me the only difference is the repetitiveness of the WB closely followed by a thundering of hooves and yellow azzez disappearing into the distance.
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
I didn\'t want to hijack Elk Snipers thread but seeing as how he brought it up, I thought it might be a good time to have a discussion about the two different names for the same sound.

First of all, I want you to know how the term (nervous grunt) came about. If you recall, several years ago, Elknut came up with the term Popping Grunt. I had never heard of such a thing. So, I called him on the phone and ask, \"What the heck are you talking about\"? He did the call over the phone so I could hear it. And low and behold, it was nothing more than a nervous bark. He just had his own name that he coined for it. After we talked about it for awhile, he decided that maybe I had a point and conceded to the fact that it might just be a nervous type of sound. And after that, he changed it from popping grunt to nervous grunt. But he was reluctant to call it a bark instead a grunt. You can verify this on one of his videos where he mentions this and even calls me by name on the DVD.

So there you have it! Now you know where the term nervous grunt comes from! :roll:

However, even Elknut has said that the nervous grunt and the warning bark sound very much alike and the main difference is the repetition of the call. The nervous grunt is given only once or twice. Where the warning bark can be repeated several times as long as the elk feels the threat.

Now I ask you, if both sounds sound basically the same, have you ever heard of a (warning grunt)? I didn\'t think so ! That is why I always refer to the so called popping grunt/nervous grunt as a nervous bark and not a grunt at all.

Right on the money! I have used WW\'s terminology as well because I think it is a better description of the sound. Grunts have a more hollow sound IMO than a bark or Nervous bark.

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