New Contest


Nov 30, 2012
OK guys and gals....we want your input.

What are some ideas you have for a new contest? Our goal is to bring more users into the forums, and make the forums even more active. We're always up for giving away cool gear, so let us know how you think we could engage more posters and keep things rolling in here.
Couple ideas form the early days, I always thought the "Score this Bull" posts we're fun.  Also, the online calling contest and user submitted story contests brought good traffic. 

Although not contest related, maybe there's a way to incorporate stories that didn't make the cut for the magazine into online posts, in addition to having them on the Extreme Elk page, or maybe start dribbling in some moderator posts about topical issues (regulatory, weather/fire/drought, state/area trends, predator, etc) that affect the users would be interesting.
I like a few things Big Tex says, always fun to try and score a bull but I don't think you get long time users of the forum out of that. Maybe an online calling challenge........
elk101 lays out a series of call you want to hear cow/calf talking ex. like the championships in a sense. Winners or say top 3 get the new calling dvd as a prize. :)  Ill play that game. also gives everyone a chance to critique one another on calling.
You have almost 22,000 likes on the Extreme Elk Magazine page on Facebook. I would target more of those folks by inviting them to the forum and giving away stuff to new posters. Also, posting videos on FB with a tag to the site where members can like and share and exposing their friends to Elk101.

I would also add an area on the forum by state, where guys could talk about units or hunting areas, info and news on that particular state. This could also lead to guys in particular states getting together and either organizing get togethers for calling or shooting and inviting more people which in turn will look for details on the Elk101 forums.

Just a few thoughts..........
us elkaholics are here to stay its what we do  ;) You need to draw in some borderline elk fanatics and slightly interested people and I say pictures draw attention.Maybe a post a pic vote on a pic type contest?Or maybe they get entered in a drawing just for voting on a pic?Its the off season for most and they need some visual to get their blood pumping,Is it possible to have the pic they vote on post to their face book when they vote on It to get other people that visual to draw them in ?
I agree with the idea of you and Dirk coming and calling on an elk hunt.  Or even a one on one calling lesson with some free calls thrown in. I know I called a lot of friends and told them to join the forums last month and I dont think a single person did. It must take a bigger prize to attract them.

I also like the story idea. I have a great story from a few years back that I cant submit to the magazine because I have no pictures to go with it. It is a one that got away/learn from your mistakes story. Turned out as a great story the next year.
You are not just trying to appeal to elk hunters, but elk hunters who DO USE a computer or electronic device for different reasons and often. Lots of hunters out there that never get on a computer. Right now I think Face Book is the most commonly used form of computer communication. I think when ELK101 had the super active forum a couple months past it was a result of  a free pack deal posted on FB.
The most active response was when an individual signed on and posted 5 times. That was solely put on that person. The last one required getting friends to sign on and make posts. Friends are great but hard to motivate when they are not "Elkoholics" or winning something "they want". I had plenty of promises.
For most elk hunters this is the season low, waiting on draw results and knowing the heat of summer is ahead, before our season begins again. Interest is low now for most.
So, it needs to be put out on a mass computer market, appeals to one person not relying on others and something everyone would want to win...Tall order right now.
Not certain if ELK101 would know if a person would add ELK101 to there personal FB page as a liked interest, but that would be the first requirement. Second offer a different prize each month; Bugle Call or calls, Heads Up decoy, Clothing, etc. If signed up already, then make a certain number of response posts each month and at least a couple new topics. The winners from each month will be added to a drawing for a hunt or a Grand Prize of some type. Maybe a paid trip to the RMEF in Los Vegas. I know this sounds like your Jan. intro, but it worked so maybe not change it too much.
The elk hunt that Winter Hawk Outfitters gives away attracts me. I am anxiously awaiting them to announce the winner, so I can start getting ready..LOL
I lked it when this forum was super active and would also like to see it go there again.... :)

How about a polls contest? I liked January's promo - it was left wide open to people and was promoted through facebook, etc.

I think you could continue that style of contest but change it up. Very few people have used the polls feature. So maybe a contest that includes creating a poll.
I like the idea of a short story contest.  Give us a word count limit and we'll submit an elk hunting story for a prize.  The topic could either be a humorous story or a story about a hunting trip gone wrong or a more serious story.
That could turn into a lot of work for you to sort through and read.

I like the guess the bull size idea. It would be hard, but you could do a guess the yardage deal as well. It would be hard through a picture, but it would at least be a competition.
Calling competitionwhere you save you files someplace might be fun. You guys can judge. No professionals :)
