New guy here.


New member
Apr 1, 2014
Hi all, I\'m new here and wanted to say thanks for a great forum. I\'m excited to be a part of it. Learning and socializing about elk here is a great way to expand my elk hunting experience. Thanks again!
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Hi TetonStorm~
Glad to have you visit!
Welcome Teton! Good to have you in camp. now, do tell a little about you\'re avatar.that\'s a great looking bull for sure :thewave:
Welcome aboard MJ. There are allot of good guys and gals on here with lots of knowledge to share.
Thanks again for the welcome. That is my 2012 bull. He was an old boy that my brother and I got out smarted by for two years. We had multiple encounters and sightings but always got duped one way or another. On sept 21st of 12 I was solo and left camp at daybreak and hiked up to a ridge above camp. When I got there the wind was blowing my scent into the aspens I wanted to set up on so I continued to a bench 300ydrs to the north and I spotted him coming at me from the north on a side hill trail about 200 yrds away. I froze....waited for him to dip in a contour....moved to my left 10 yrds behind a mountain laurel...ranged 50 yrds....ranged 30....nocked one and waited. 30 secs he was at 50 and I drew....waited for the 30 broadside...which he gave me...aimed, released and shot him in the heart. He turned walked 10 yrds and died. He was a Great adversary never to be forgotten.
Good to have you here, Teton. :upthumb:

Great looking euro the ivory tips!

Looking forward to your input :cool:

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