New to Utah Hunting


New member
Sep 30, 2013
I just recently got stationed here at Hill AFB and would really like to start elk hunting. I was wondering if anyone had some places I could begin to scout after this hunting season is over and next spring. If you don't want to give away your secret spot I completely understand, but if you could help with what kind of areas I am looking for it would be very helpful. I have been practicing calling and shooting just need to start a good recon. Thank you for your time and help.
First off Make sure that you start putting in for LE elk hunts starting this spring.  Unless you get lucky it will take around 6 years to get a good archery tag and 14 years to get a good rifle tag.  If you are going over the counter then you can get one every year but the elk are pretty spread out in the over the counter areas and they get a lot of pressure, bulls don't get too old but once in a while a nice one gets taken out of the OTC units.  Most guys on the OTC tags hunt the North or South slope of the Uintas.  There are more elk on the South slope and if I were looking for an area to start I would go there.

Cow elk tags can be drawn every 2-3 years in most areas and in the LE areas it is usually pretty easy to find a cow to shoot.  PM me if you want more info.

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