No elk down...yet

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
We hunted our butts off. I am only home for a few minutes but figured i\'d check in real quickly.

We saw 3 elk on Saturday, none within shooting range, two of them almost ran us over as we were taking a break on a log, they came in at full sprint. When turned around to see what was about to run us over the lead cow reared up like a horse, squealed and turned to run. The second elk spun out sideways like a dog on a freshly mopped wood floor trying to round a corner too quickly. The third elk came out as we were glassing about 80 yrds below us and vanished back into the woods. We caught up to her but got too aggressive and spooked her off...never to be seen again.

We jumped a moose out of her bed, about 15\' away from my son, it was limping badly as it moved away from us. There was also a cow (cattle) bleeding from it\'s vitals. I have a feeling there were some poachers in there...we called the sheriff and reported both animals.

We had a coyote come at my son at full charge, freaked us out, had a hawk come at my son and missed his head by inches.

All in all, had a great hunt.

I am heading to a unit I hunted last year, closer to home. We hit a detour on that drive costing us 30 minutes each way...can\'t do it tonight.

Will hunt until Friday afternoon.

Good luck all!
And good luck to you to Lark! You sure that that sliding,turning cow didn\'t present you with a split second broadside shot? :mg: :p
Not so much poachers as stupid hunters. Some Bubba\'s can\'t tell the difference between an elk and a moose, or even a cow. It makes me sick.
I think I hit that detour ... what a deal ... 25 minutes to get around a 2 mile stretch of repairs!

I\'m thinking that you\'ve already done what you set out to do, and that was to teach your kid about how to behave as a man. By that, I\'m referring to you reporting the animals that were shot. Neither poachers nor hunters ... they were criminals and should be prosecuted fully. That moo cow alone was worth a lot of money to someone, and the moose worth as much to the state. And that\'s just the human toll ... the poor animals really got screwed.

Stick to your guns. It takes a while ... you will learn a lot in the next week and that\'s the fun part!
Saw three more cow elk, no shot opportunity. Shot at a doe but misjudged distance shooting uphill. I didn\'t have the rangefinder with me because it was full of water from the rain. I guess it wasn\'t sealed. Clean miss but had three hairs stuck to the broadhead...weird.

Taking the weekend off. Down 10 pounds from hiking. I believe I was at 28 miles as of Thursday. I have a hard time sitting still. Needed the break this weekend to help my folks with some stuff and will be having my daughter\'s bday party tomorrow.

Will be out each weekend from here on out.

Do archery hunters wear orange during muzzle loader season? I know it\'s not required but I thiught it might be a good idea since i\'m hunting a populated area.

Wish I could have filled one of the two tags so far...would be a big weight off my shoulders.
keep ur chin up lark. your doing well. you have seen elk, shot a a deer, an havn fun. thats what hunting is about. the first is the hardest. keep at it