no more dogs.

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
what a weekend (bad).

i got rearended in my truck. no big deal, it\'s in the shop already. basically needs a bumper unbolted and a new one bolted on.

but my dog. i have had so little sleep. my small dog has been vomiting, and now stopped eating. ER vet visit on sunday night. dog got anti-nausea meds and hydrated via subdermal injection. that has got to hurt like a mofo!! + x-rays that showed us nothing.

we had a regular 2:30 appointment at our regular vet. more meds and more fluids.

i basically spent the entire weekend shadowing my dog when he got up to vomit. i wanted him to puke on a hard surface so i could clean it up. first time, i almost hurled myself. now? i dont even think about it. trying to sleep with one eye open is not possible. i took yesterday off. today i HAD to come to work. vet bills have been brutal.

right now i am at work and my dog is at home by himself. he is barely moving, not eating. i am not positive he will be alive when i get home. i cant concentrate at work. i have meetings i cannot miss. this sucks. we adopted him when he was 11 years old, and i didnt even want him. my wife pushed for him and she always wins. this small dog has nipped me six times..he was abused. constant gentle treatment and he is now damn nice. his confidence soared and he quit going after me :) he is a different dog, much different than the scared terrier my wife brought home. i need to call my vet, but i am honestly not sure what else he can do..this is a mystery ailment, or my vet sucks. wife and i agreed, NO SURGERY. he will not survive an invasive surgery. last week we had him put under and his teeth cleaned..he barely survived that.. he is about to turn 16.

losing a dog is about the most difficult thing for me. i really root for the underdogs. my boss is not a dog i cannot push that envelope to hard. not so sure i can do it again.
thank goodness i dont get attached to things like that but i know some do, gotta be tough. i wonder if he got an infection from the tooth cleaning. either way sorry to hear all that.
Sorry to hear Cliff. Had to put down our chocolate lab of 11 years back in July. Spent major $$ at the doggie ER and our vet.
I\'m sorry for your loss, bud.

My dogs mean the world to me.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Sorry to hear Cliff. I have been there myself. Not a easy thing to go through.
Cliff, I\'m sorry for your loss.

You gave Harry a good home, he gave you something even greater, a bigger heart. Good trade, my friend.
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thanks guys.

i am..profoundly saddened.

he was a GREAT dog. super super brave. my friend said it best, \"dogs are the best of times, dogs are the worst of times\" i didnt even like small dogs.!! :D


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Oh man, so sorry to read this, Cliff. Just remember what a great friend he was and that the pain you feel now is small in comparison to all the good times you had with him. Stay well buddy. Life is good! Even when it hurts
Sorry to hear that Cliff...that is one of the things that makes owning a dog so difficult. It\'s never easy to say goodbye.
I\'ve had to have my dog put down before. It\'s almost like loosing a member of ones family. But the toughest thing I ever had to do was when I had to put down a favorite horse. Man, that is tough!!!!! I just hope God provides a place for all of our animal friends.

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