(Mid-September, archery season)
You\'re back at camp from the morning hunt, and you\'re going to eat and tidy up camp a bit.
As you\'re walking around, not 200 yards from camp across a small meadow, you see a cow slip into the trees, heading slightly away from you, down a creek bottom. She didn\'t see you, and seemed to be unaware that you were watching.
Wind is slight, but seems to blow from her toward you, so it\'s more-or-less in your favor.
Assume that you, or your partner, are after any legal elk.
What are your thoughts on how to move forward on this situation?
You\'re back at camp from the morning hunt, and you\'re going to eat and tidy up camp a bit.
As you\'re walking around, not 200 yards from camp across a small meadow, you see a cow slip into the trees, heading slightly away from you, down a creek bottom. She didn\'t see you, and seemed to be unaware that you were watching.
Wind is slight, but seems to blow from her toward you, so it\'s more-or-less in your favor.
Assume that you, or your partner, are after any legal elk.
What are your thoughts on how to move forward on this situation?