nothing like drawing unit 34 in NM..and you cant go.

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
poor guy.

policeman in training..drew a coveted tag as a non-res. he is in the police academy. and there are no exceptions.

man, i might quit :D they blast them with homework, so even a weekend getaway is iffy.
I know the feeling.... wait, I didn\'t get into the academy because I was elk hunting :D
I wonder if you contact the NM game department and explained your situation. Maybe they would let you transfer the tag to a friend ? It would be worth a call anyway.

I bet you\'d have lot\'s of friends that would pay you for it..........FRIEND !!! Hint Hint !!! LOL. :rtfm: :train: Or if you can transfer it maybe send your best buddy on a elk hunt of a lifetime !! That would be the coolest gift anyone could get.

Anyway I hope it works out for you. Either way you are great person for taking on a job like that and protecting and serving the safety of the rest of us ! With all the weirdo people out there that is a very dangerous job.

Thanks again


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