Now what\'s your plan?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Time: 8am
Wind: slight breeze right to left

Its your 3rd day of your elk hunt [choose your weapon]
You were working up a small ridge and heard a light bugle up ahead
You ease out to the edge of the timber and see elk 50yds away
Now what?

A lot depends on my tag. If I have an either sex tag, the cow standing broadside on the left is going to get it with a rifle. With a bow, I will just sit back and wait. That bull looks like he is coming my way. If he does, I will wait for him to get close enough to present a comfortable shot. This is not only based on what position he faces and what distance he gets to, but also based on what\'s behind him. I won\'t be flinging an arrow at an extended distance with the chance a high or low shot will hit another elk.
Stop. Assess which way they are moving. Looks like they are coming uphill, maybe in your direction. Things would be better if you had a partner to fall back 50 yards and rake a tree. Calling would be tough here -- so many eyes. If there\'s a calling option, I\'d like to hear about that. He\'s not a big bull, and a threat would send him running, I think.
fifty yards with a rifle..pftt..BOOM!!

fifty yards with a bow? the wind gives me pause, but certainly a shot in my wheelhouse.
The herd seems to be on alert. Three of the cows have something of interest spotted to the left and that calf on the right is looking directly at the camera. This is a waiting game for sure with a bow.

With a rifle it is a waiting game as well if you want the bull. But maybe not so long. All you need is for that cow behind him to clear.
At 50 yards, I\'m waiting on the bull to turn broadside. If he does and stays calm, I\'m drawing and putting an arrow right behind his shoulder :upthumb:

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