Now What Should I Do?

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New member
Mar 4, 2014
It is 9:45AM and warming up in the mid morning on September 5th. I am sitting on a large rock, in an opening on a North facing slope. My bow is beside me as my binoculars are trained on the South facing slope across the canyon. All of a sudden I see six elk quartering upslope, toward a patch of dense timber. They have come up out of a draw that is over a side ridge, and just out of view from where I sit. The herd is 1/3 to 1/2 mile away. The wind is gently coming out of the Northwest, upslope to me. Rats! I wish I was over there in front of that bunch. It looks like the bull trailing the cows is a rather nice one. His head would look good on my wall.
The timber stand where the elk are headed is about 80 acres. It has several good benches in there and a small flat ridge. There are several trails in and out of it. To the North and to the East it is very rocky, but there are paths through. Farther down hill it is wide open and a creek is at the bottom of the canyon separating us. About 1/4-1/3 mile to the East in a draw I have a tree stand, and there is a water hole slightly downhill and a little behind the elk that I could ground blind.
Hum? Which way is the wind blowing where the elk are? What should I do? Help!
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