Packed meds/first aid supplies/survival supplies


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I know Dr. John made a list before, but I\'d like to bring this up again.
It seems like people are thinking about their season packs and I want to throw a VERY important piece out.... first aid and survival.....

So what do you guys carry in for these items?

I carry:
- a very nice first aid kit
- aspirin
- a space blanket
- water proof matches and a lighter
- a small candle
- 20 feet of 550 parachute cord (for MANY REASONS and this is just the emergency supply, not my user supply)
- tums

Then in my camper I have a more in-depth selection of medicines, stuff to clean wounds like peroxide, and more.

How about you guys?
my personal meds. inhalers and stuff. sucks.

Aleve and tylenol.
Luekotape P. this is the best stuff ever. from blisters to supplementing a bandaide. i have taped up some bad cuts with this matter how much i bleed thru, it will not let go.
antiseptic stuff. i carry these old glass tubes you pinch and break to let iodine out..and it soaks thru a cotton tip. you can get wounds very clean.
rubber glove. lets me keep gutting and cleaning if i cut myself.
super glue very similar break vials like my iodine.
general first aid stuff.
My first aid kits, I have a small one in both our packs and a large one in my truck.
Advil in copious amounts.
Imodium AD
Son\'s migraine meds
Athletic tape/under-wrap
Coincidence ... I was going through my stuff yesterday, too.

I keep an ammo-box of \"2nd aid\" supplies in camp, and a small baggie of \"1st aid\" supplies in my pack.

My 1st aid supplies are pretty Spartan: A first aid book, duct tape, tweezers, and a few band-aids.

My 2nd aid supplies are a little more complete. I need to update meds (pain meds, antibiotics, aspirin, benadryl). I have some more bandages, and a splint form. Oh, and AN EXTRA FLASHLIGHT. First aid is always better with decent light. A SHARPIE pen, too ... to write on the victim what you did, when you did it, etc.

Also: More duct tape.

My wife is going to a 2-week NOLS Wilderness First Responder course in late August and I\'m really looking forward to finding out what all she learns. I\'ll be updating my kit a lot after that trip!

NOLS is big on an idea that I\'ve always subscribed to: Equipment can almost always be improvised, but knowledge can\'t, so ... take a book!
\"Deertick\" said:
A first aid book,!

This is actually a great idea. I\'d rather take a few extra seconds to brush through a manual and potentially save someone verse \"winging it.\"

Do you have any small books that you would recommend?
\"iccyman001\" said:
Do you have any small books that you would recommend?
I have the 2nd edition of the NOLS field guide
I don\'t know how this one measures up to others.

If you need high power reading glasses, do not forget your reading glasses, otherwise, you may have trouble reading the manual.

2-3 years ago, I took the 2 days NOLS Wilderness First Aid class. The Red Cross also has a Wilderness First Aid class. A person who took both, felt the NOLS one was much better. Lots of hands on scenarios with the NOLS course. They also go over how you may improvise with other things in your pack.
a book?

some injuries..i get it. others; let\'s call them CPR. i hope i dont need to flip thru a book to remember to pace myself to the music of the BEEGEES while i am giving chest compressions. i try to be prepared going in.

i\'m winging it. :D
Because I am military we get self aid and buddy classes annually.
Id want the book more for the stuff that I don\'t deal with.

Maybe rashes, snake bites, spider bites, or other types of odd things.
We all know \"wives tales\" on what to do, but they are not always true.

I\'d love to have a book to go to.

For CPR and other big time stuff I would just let my training kick in and roll with it.
\"mtnmutt\" said:
\"iccyman001\" said:
Do you have any small books that you would recommend?
I have the 2nd edition of the NOLS field guide
I don\'t know how this one measures up to others.

If you need high power reading glasses, do not forget your reading glasses, otherwise, you may have trouble reading the manual.

2-3 years ago, I took the 2 days NOLS Wilderness First Aid class. The Red Cross also has a Wilderness First Aid class. A person who took both, felt the NOLS one was much better. Lots of hands on scenarios with the NOLS course. They also go over how you may improvise with other things in your pack.
Thank you for the link! :upthumb:

I have been looking into becoming a hunter education instructor out here and I wish I could get qualified in teaching an outdoor first aid class too. I think it would be very beneficial.
\"iccyman001\" said:
Because I am military we get self aid and buddy classes annually.
Id want the book more for the stuff that I don\'t deal with.

Maybe rashes, snake bites, spider bites, or other types of odd things.
We all know \"wives tales\" on what to do, but they are not always true.

I\'d love to have a book to go to.

For CPR and other big time stuff I would just let my training kick in and roll with it.
Are you telling me that convincing my son to pee on a nasty spider bite on his thumb last year was NOT good advice?! :shock:

I disagree. I laughed my arse off at that one! :wave:
\"Lark Bunting\" said:
Are you telling me that convincing my son to pee on a nasty spider bite on his thumb last year was NOT good advice?! :shock:

I disagree. I laughed my arse off at that one! :wave:

hahahahaha I bet you were rolling!!!!
Your son is probably planning on how to get you back ;)
reminds me of that joke where one hunter get bitten in the \"private area\" by a poisonous snake.

reviewing the book, friend finds out he is to suck out the venom.

bitten friend, \"what does the book say?!!!\"

friend, \"says here you\'re gonna die\"
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
reminds me of that joke where one hunter get bitten in the \"private area\" by a poisonous snake.

reviewing the book, friend finds out he is to suck out the venom.

bitten friend, \"what does the book say?!!!\"

friend, \"says here you\'re gonna die\"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
\"You gonna die.\" -- Classic.

My point with the book is that almost every first aid situation is better if you slow down and do it right.

Consulting a book achieves both of those ends!

(I\'ve always figured that if a person has, say, a dislocated jaw, he\'ll still have a dislocated jaw after I take a minute to review the important issues. Most victims aren\'t going anywhere.)
\"Deertick\" said:
\"You gonna die.\" -- Classic.

My point with the book is that almost every first aid situation is better if you slow down and do it right.

Consulting a book achieves both of those ends!

(I\'ve always figured that if a person has, say, a dislocated jaw, he\'ll still have a dislocated jaw after I take a minute to review the important issues. Most victims aren\'t going anywhere.)

true!! many events could use a quick breather and clear head. a book might just do that for the first aide person.
One thing that I would add to the list everybody already has that i didn\'t see mentioned is a small water filter. I have one that is about the size of a toothbrush holder. I kept it in my pack on my last elk hunt along with most of the other items mentioned.
\"vthokee\" said:
One thing that I would add to the list everybody already has that i didn\'t see mentioned is a small water filter. I have one that is about the size of a toothbrush holder. I kept it in my pack on my last elk hunt along with most of the other items mentioned.

You\'re right ... I keep a very simple \"Survival Kit\" and a very simple \"1st Aid Kit\" with me, usually together.

As far as water for wounds, the evidence says that \"clean\" or potable water is all you need. Don\'t worry about sterile. If you would drink it, use it on a wound.

But there is no item in my survival pack that gets more use than water purification tablets. I have a real way of getting off track and running out of water. Maybe it\'s just that water is the FIRST thing I run out of.

My survival kit: Make fire, make water, have a light.

My 1st aid kit: duct tape, first aid book, and a few odds and ends.

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