Parking Along Colorado Highways


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Is it legal to park along highways in Colorado? One of my spots is along I-70 and would require that I pull off to the side of the highway for 4-7 days. A few questions:

1.) Is this allowed?
2.) Is there a minimum number of feet off the highway I have to be?
3.) Are you required to leave a note of any kind?
4.)What would prevent the authorities form towing the vehicles?
5.)Is parking near( obviously not on) a runaway truck ramp legal?
\"lexus423\" said:
Is it legal to park along highways in Colorado? One of my spots is along I-70 and would require that I pull off to the side of the highway for 4-7 days. A few questions:
1.) Is this allowed?
2.) Is there a minimum number of feet off the highway I have to be?
3.) Are you required to leave a note of any kind?
4.)What would prevent the authorities form towing the vehicles?
5.)Is parking near( obviously not on) a runaway truck ramp legal?
  1. I see it often along I-70 and other major US highways in CO during hunting season. It is very frequent near Eisenhower Tunnel, however, they pull as far over as possible. Use GE to fly over I-70, I bet you spot some vehicles parked in the grass. I even see them in Summer when hunters are on their scouting trips. Take a drive up there in late July or August on a weekend and you will be likely see some trucks parked along I-70.[/*:m:1524xq24]
  2. If your vehicle is a safety hazard, then you know it is not parked far enough away from the highway. Get off the shoulder and into the dirt, otherwise, towing is very possible. If it snows and you are blocking snow removal, then you may get towed.[/*:m:1524xq24]
  3. A note can alert thieves, so I discourage any visible note. A trooper will see your coolers and other gear and know you are not a breakdown. I have left my car on the side of an I-70 off ramp and backpacked in. However, it was frequently done by others at that location. I never had break ins either and never leave a note. If in doubt, call CPW and the CO trooper field office closest to the location and get their opinion.[/*:m:1524xq24]
  4. 100% chance you get towed if your vehicle is uphill even a 1/4 mile on the shoulder from a truck ramp. The tow truck will be there before you get 1/4 mile from your car. In fact, a trooper may get there before you get out of your vehicle. Those truck ramps are frequently used because brakes burn year round and sometimes I have seen BOTH ramps occupied by a truck on the same day. Please stay far away from those.[/*:m:1524xq24][/list:eek::1524xq24]
the 2 years that I hunted Colorado, I saw plenty of vehicles parked along the interstate, well off and into the ditches.
I used to hunt along I-70 between Shrine Pass and Copper Mountain ski area. I just pulled down into the ditch, maybe 30 feet from the shoulder. Had a state trooper stop once to see if everything was okay. I mainly did day trips but also bivy\'d in there too. Many times I have seen multiple trucks pulled off the road just east of Eisenhower tunnel and also west of it and down the hill a ways.

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