
The application process is typically from March to April 2nd or so.

Youre good, do your research!
\"Colorado Russ\" said:
Are you talking 2014 Dan or for next year? Too late to get one this year I believe.

I meant for 2014. Also, it looks like I don\'t understand the PP system that Colorado has.
I am used to Maine\'s where you just buy a point for that year and accumulate them until you apply and draw.

Colorado looks like it\'s a big more than that.

Can I also buy a preference point for an area/game, but still buy an OTC tag for the same animal?

Lets say I bought a PP for unit X for elk. Can I then go by an OTC tag for unit Y and hunt that year?
I should clarify.

When getting into the Colorado Pref Point game, you are always one year in the \'rears\'.
ALWAYS, plan AT LEAST one year in advance.

I have played the PP game for many, many years.
You are correct in the technique of getting a PP [not unit specific] and then hunt OTC until you have enough PPs for draw unit.

Next spring, apply for a PP 1st choice and hunt either an OTC OR put in for a 2nd - 4th Choice with good draw odds

Remember this:

Pref Points are NOT GMU specific [you can use them in ANY GMU]
Pref Points are NOT weapon specific [you can use them for ANY type of weapon]
Pref Points are NOT affected by 2nd - 4th choices on the application [only the 1st choice matters in PPs]

I hope this helps
Just to add a little to Brad\'s post, because it\'s misunderstood a lot. The best way to explain it is to give an example.

Lets say you have 5 points. You apply for a unit, and have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. You fail at your 1st choice. For your 1st choice your points come into play. You failed though, so your name goes into your 2nd choice draw. Now it doesn\'t matter how many points you have. You can get beat by someone with no points. It\'s strictly a luck of the draw. The same for 3rd and 4th choice draws.

So, you always want to have a 2nd choice, and maybe even a 3rd choice, because it doesn\'t use up any points. It\'s the only way you can gain a point, and still get one of your picks.

Of course you can just buy a point, and then hunt an OTC tag, but then you\'re hunting an OTC hunt which is usually crowded.
Thank you Pete and Brad. Between both of the explanations, I now have a good grasp on how it works!
Time for me to start picking out my areas!

Thank you all again
Dan, you only THINK you have it figured out....CPW will throw a wrench in there somewhere! Notice the Preference Point Fee Changes in the 2014 brochure. I cut/pasted it below but didn\'t come out too good. IF you\'re just looking at one species, ie elk, then the preference point fee of $40 is less than it would cost you to get an annual fishing or small game license($56 for non-res). It cost me $130 for my wife since she hadn\'t hunted in a couple of years and I didn\'t buy her an annual fishing license the prior year for $21! Yes, she\'ll have an annual fishing license even if I buy it 12/30/2014! I\'ll be able to answer most of your questions come next month at deer camp!! :)

neW! PRefeRenCe PoInT fee Changes
? hoW IT WoRks. If you do not hold a 2013 annual* or big-game license, or do not
receive a license through the draw, you will be charged $40 PeR sPeCIes (for elk,
deer, pronghorn and bear) for which you get a preference point. This fee applies to
residents and nonresidents. However, residents getting deer or pronghorn preference
points will be charged only $30 for each of those. For example, if a nonresident who
isn?t exempt from the fee receives a point for all four species, they will be charged
$160. A resident in that scenario would be charged $140.
? hoW To avoID IT. If you don?t want to pay the fee, you have until March 31, 2014,
to purchase a 2013 annual fishing, annual small game, annual resident combination
fishing and small game, or resident senior fi shing license.
? hoW WIll I be ChaRgeD foR IT? If you are charged the preference-point fee,
it will be removed from your 2014 big-game application refund(s). For example, if
you?re a resident and apply for a deer license or preference point and don?t draw (and
you are not exempt from the fee) you will receive a $1 refund.
* ANNUAL LICENSES INCLUDE: annual fishing, annual small game, annual resident combination
fishing and small game, or resident senior fishing license
So how long does it take to get enough points to draw 61? I need to start putting in for a unit somewhere that I can draw out within 10 years or so.
Razorback, here\'s a link to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife big game statistics page. If you have any problems reading the reports, just let me know or post here and others can help as it\'s not always intuitive. The second link is the one you want just to answer your question.

For Unit 61, min 11 pts Res and 18 pts Non-Res for archery either sex. Same pts for first rifle season. Varies for a cow and which weapon.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://cpw.state.co.us/thingstodo/Pages/Statistics.aspx\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://cpw.state.co.us/thingstodo/Pages/Statistics.aspx</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/Hunting/BigGame/Statistics/Elk/2014ElkPreferencePoint.pdf\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/Huntin ... ePoint.pdf</a><!-- m -->

One thing to consider is point creep. Some units go up 2 pts every 3 years so what takes 10 pts now may take 16 in 9 years. Or something along those lines. I\'d bet if you have 0 pts now and start applying for Unit 61 now, it\'ll take close to 18-20 years to draw.
Guess I can cross that off my list. I\'ll be too old to hunt by then. Guess I\'ll have to find a good unit that only takes about 10 years or so. Thanks for the help. I\'ve never considered doing the PP option. Think I\'m going to start this year but I haven\'t researched any units yet.
I noticed on the stats page it also has a history. 2004 it took 7 points for archery resident to draw. 10 years later it\'s taking 11 or roughly 50% more. That\'s 2 points every 5 years. Start now with 0 and in 10 years it\'ll take 14. You\'re 4 short.

That said, I am going to be SO HAPPY when I cash in my points and quit chasing Unit 2 & 201! Don\'t think there are many on here who wouldn\'t recommend to a person with say less than 5 points to just use them and not get caught up in the points race. Maybe find a unit that takes 0-1 pp each year but not OTC which limits pressure some. Hunt every other year or every year with a buddy. That\'s what I\'ll be doing soon.

Plenty of OTC units too that don\'t take any points and produce for guys year after year. Just wish I was one of those guys!

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