Pref points


New member
Mar 2, 2014

I went to buy my Colorado preference points today and ... I remembered wrong ... I thought I only had 7 for deer and elk, but I have 8, soon to be 9.

(Not that there\'s a lot of difference between them unless point-banking shows up, but it\'s better than a kick!)
I\'m open to suggestions ... the thought being that I\'d like to avoid September in Colorado when it\'s one of the few months that is nice in WY. :lol:

In fact, I\'m thinking of November options to use these points, unless there came a can\'t-miss September archery unit that would twist my arm off.
If Point Banking makes a comeback, you will be sitting pretty,

I know a spot... :)
Well, that\'s been my thought ... wait and see about point banking ...

When do you think that\'ll be decided?
If I remember the timeline correctly, I think its about September/Oct of this year.
Here are my calculations for a NR bull tag in one of the premium units in my part of the state. Considering the point creep as it is now days, and the 9 elk points you now have, you should be able to draw in unit 2 or 201 in the year 2076. Sorry, this is NOT a joke.
Thank you! But I never was considered to be much of a scholar. I\'m just going by information from the wildlife people at a meeting in Craig about three years or so ago. Someone ask what could be done with the point system. One of the head biologist said, \"If you start applying for preference points when you are 12 years old, you will likely make the draw at age 82 considering the point creep as it presently stands\"!

However John, after you get your dream hunt over with, you should try applying for the December cow hunt. 2-3 points should get you in. And I\'d be happy to be your personal FREE guide and chief BSer.
Deal ... I like hunting cows, eating, and BS-ing, so I may just burn those points now! (Just kidding).
You\'re only a few points away from NR Archery unit 76. I will likely hunt it next year or the year after. You can wait and see how it goes for me and then make your decision but, in your situation, 76 would be a no\'brainer for me.
76 ... but the \"brainer\" part is ... what about point-creep?

I suppose if there is point-banking, it might stop the creep.
76 has crept very little as of late. I\'d think you\'ll catch it within a point or two of what its at now (10PP NR). In terms of quality hunts, point banking would be a saving grace for you. Also, a LOT of guys cashing in this year with 10-17 NR points bc they realize they\'ll never catch 2, 201, 10. So things will change soon. good luck!

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