Public Land Elk Hunting - Free Ebook

Matt Dworak

New member
Feb 19, 2015
Hey all, I got to thinking this weekend that it\'s always good to have a little reading material for those slow times during the hunt especially when you don\'t have Internet (stuck in the tent during a downpour). And since this is a great little community I wanted to give anyone who\'s interested a free copy of my Ebook. If you\'ve got a Smartphone with the Kindle app you shouldn\'t have any problem getting it on there and if you use your phone in airplane mode you get quite a bit of battery life. If interested, shoot me your email and I\'ll send you a mobi file.

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All I ask is that you don\'t share it on the Internet somewhere and if you enjoy the read, feel free to leave a review on Amazon.


Hey all, turns out I don\'t know too much about this whole E-book thing beyond opening one on my Kindle app. If anyone who has requested a copy hasn\'t received it please let me know, it\'s a fairly large 11 MB file, so depending on your email provider I may need to distribute using Dropbox.

Also, if you\'re having issues please post them here as someone who is more tech savy than myself may be able to chime in. And finally, I\'ve been sending the mobi file but I also have an epub and opf version. At one time I could tell you the difference between the three but now I\'m lucky I remembered where I saved them!
Great offer Matt! Thanks!

This version also fits in your pack and doesn\'t take any batteries to read :)


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i have no idea what you just said matt, lol. but i tried to email you and got a message saying something about confirming i wasnt a spam bot or something like that. im gonna try to have it on my kindle, but im less tech savvy than, well, anyone.
thanks matt, havnt got it opened yet but cant wait to get started. i appreciate it
Sure thing, I really wrote it to help guys out, so I\'m glad to get it into many hands.

A question for you IPhone guys. I\'ve had a couple people struggle to get it loaded but figured it out, could you share what the solution was? I\'m an Android guy so the Iphones are pretty unfamiliar to me..