Question about the elk contest (deer too)


New member
Apr 30, 2014
Did anyone have any questions, comments, or concerns about the 2015 elk contest or deer contest?

I know it was the first one and I am sure we ran into a few hiccups, but I just wanted to make sure it was enjoyable and see if anyone had any recommendations or input before we roll into 2016s?

Examples could be:
- Bigger teams
- Smaller teams
- Score a different way

One thing I can say is I am already running down people to try to get some more cool prizes for the 2016 contests :D
I thought they went really well Dan. :upthumb:

I really enjoyed that it is a friendly contest unlike some others were I felt preshured.
Can you make it fair and tied me up an elk this year ? LOL

OK OK Just kidding I\'ll actually hunt this year instead of guiding everyone else first !!
I\'m looking forward do being dead weight on someone\'s team this year.

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I really have not thought about the past contest. Can a new contest offer a good chance to people that don\'t get to hunt everyday, and may live in a distant State? I think it would be fun, if our new and out of State hunters were paired up with seasoned residents. Maybe I could get teamed up with Wapiti, FM or ? so I would get some inside pointers too. :D
\"Swede\" said:
I really have not thought about the past contest. Can a new contest offer a good chance to people that don\'t get to hunt everyday, and may live in a distant State? I think it would be fun, if our new and out of State hunters were paired up with seasoned residents. Maybe I could get teamed up with Wapiti, FM or ? so I would get some inside pointers too. :D

Can you imagine if we manufactured our teams from on here and sent them around state to state.
I believe we\'d see a 30% decrease in the US elk population! :shock:

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