Riding With Mtnmutt


New member
Mar 4, 2014
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I know Patricia has been busy and some of you may have wondered what she has been up to. Well through sheer diligence and a concern about her whereabouts I think I have found out what she has been doing. Apparently her move was successful, but she was having issues with her hearing on the day she took her friends for a ride. Note she could not hear when it was time to shift, and one of the boys thought she needed instruction. :lol:

In the past, I have tried to spin out my manual transmission red car in a vacant parking, but without passengers. The dog in the video even looked like my old dog.

The move went well on a snowy day in January with only minor glitches. I am still \"moving\" since the storage unit is still full. Plus, the unpacking is a work in progress. Sadly, the indoor archery range setup will need to wait a bit.

Unfortunately, work has recently taken over my life. Therefore, the unpacking is at a snail\'s pace. Work + moving has been a great weight-loss program, but a poor workout program.

In early March, I am going in for my 8th left ear surgery. Therefore, I am scrambling to do things now before that puts me on 6 weeks of post-op restrictions. During the 6 weeks of \"I am tried of not being able to doing anything\", I will catch up on BTO postings.

Pay my dues now and I get to play starting in May.

Now everyone behave while I am gone and watch that Swede fellow. He has beady little eyes from the looks of it.
I hope your next ear surgery goes well for you. In the meantime, watch that tachometer. You don\'t need to wait for the rpms to reach redline. :D
Swede, fair warning, I am back online mostly on weekends. Work is still 10-14 hr days, therefore, you may sneak something by me M-F.

My surgery was this morning on my profound deaf left ear. I may not know the results for 3 months as the ear heals. It went well. I have never had this particular procedure: tympanoplasty. Doctor removed incus & ran prosthesis from eardrum to oval window. My stapes was removed in 1983 and all past surgeries were stapedectomies or revision stapedectomies.

If this doesn\'t work, it\'s not a big deal. I am only trying to improve the left ear for safety reasons to hear things on my left side. January 2014 right ear surgery enabled me to hear my first herd bull bugle in September, so that right ear surgery was a huge win. I can understand voices with my right ear without using a hearing aid for first time in 30 years. I may never hear a bugle \"in stereo\", but hearing them now is a new high for me while hunting.

Post - op restrictions are worse than the previous 3 surgeries. The old restrictions were no lifting greater than 25 lbs for 6 weeks. New this time is no lifting greater than 10 lbs for first 3 weeks and then not greater than 25 lbs the second 3 weeks. I was bummed to hear about the stricter restrictions.

First 3 weeks are the worse since I can\'t lean over for 3 weeks or blow my nose and, of course, I cannot shoot my bow for 6 weeks. Good time to do virtual scouting, practice sharpening skills and start annoying my new neighbors with elk calling.

There is greater risk of knocking this prosthesis over due to a fall since it is only connected to tissue rather than bone. Therefore, I may start using hiking poles more often. In 30 years, I never knocked over a stapes prosthesis. In those 30 years, I had 4 bikes accidents with hitting my head, so perhaps I am hardheaded. By scouting season, things should be nicely healed.

I probably should not spinout cars for 6 weeks. :razz: On April 14th, I may find a \"test dummy\" to ride shotgun. Any volunteers?
\"mtnmutt\" said:
I may find a \"test dummy\" to ride shotgun. Any volunteers?

I could qualify as the dummy. I am pleased to know your surgery went well. Hiking poles are a small price to pay for better hearing. Keep us posted on your progress. It is good to see you are back. There are not too many females I can pester around here. It looks like you will have plenty of time to prepare for hunting season. 2015 should be a great year to be out in the September elk woods.
Glad to hear it went well, Patricia.

Hope your ears are ringing with thundering bugles come September.
Thank you all.

Swede, who said you can pester me? :D Where are the moderators when you need them?

Derek, I hope your move went well.

Jeff, I will be pulling out the slip system in the next fews weeks to try out as I recuperate. Due to my move and surgery, I kept it in the box until after surgery. I needed some light activities to keep me busy for the next 6 weeks, so I won\'t go crazy.

Yesterday, I called my new part-time elk hunting partner. We chatted about our new hot spot and patterning the elk in that area. That made for a very nice day of recuperation. Talking about elk is good for healing.