Scoring non typical elk


New member
Oct 29, 2014
Hello, I had the privalage of harvesting a Bull elk that has THREE antlers! That is three individuel pedicals and antlers with extra points. My question is -- Do you receive Two main beam width mesurements for the gross score?
I scored it as three separate main beams with one overall width. but was woderind about the other width score or not! The difference is 341 5/8 or 374 3/8! If you know or know who i could ask please advise me! Thanks
I don't know the answer to your question, but before anyone does I think we need to see some pics of this bull first! Sounds like a cool bull, congrats!

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You could call the Pope and Young or Boone andCrockett club if you aren't already a member of one.  I would think either could give you some guidance on how it will be scored.

Let's see some pictures!!
i hope your mounting that sucker! sounds like a great bull. do you have any picture to share? wish i knew the answer to your question please share if you find out.
Thanks for the comments, I still dont have a definative answer yet though. I do have a few pix I will put on here as soon as I figure out how!