Sight Tapes


New member
Jan 28, 2013
What is the best and easiest sight tapes you guys have used... I have tried a overly complicated, one simple...Just curious if I missed anything..
I'm interested as well as one of my early attempts forgot the concept of making it waterproof. Didn't work so well after that rainstorm :'( .  I have a 5 pin MT Blackgold slider, so I only use the tape for 70-100 yard shots (never my first one and typically only for target shooting).
I use standard bond paper. Cut a strip to fit the race for the tape. Then I put a strip of scotch tape over it (weatherproofs and secures ). Then an ordinary ball point pen to draw the lines. I use ten yard increments. Mine starts at 20yds--goes to 50yds--4 lines. Easy to interpolate between lines. For most of my WT hunting, I just keep it on 20. If easing thru timber for Elk, would keep on 30 and be good from 10-40 by just holding high or low, but never leaving hair.-- Bill
Like billg, I have used scotch tape over the sight tape for the last 8 years without a single problem. I print the sight tape in regular paper, cut it to fit the surface, put scotch tape over it and cut excess scotch tape with a razor.
Just remembered one time I used plain white label strips like what goes on manila folders. They're self adhesive and will need trimming and covered with scotchtape for weather-proofing,but worked fine.--Bill
I'm getting ready to set my tape up for my MBG Ascent too. I ordered a 4 pin, I think I'm gonna set it up for 20-30-40-50 and then slide bottom pin 50+, but also might try to add 2nd tape to slide 20-50 with top pin only for use on targets..