Smith & Wesson M&P 40


New member
Aug 26, 2015
Worked on a friends car and truck this weekend. He offered me a S&W M&P 40 for a reasonable amount. I don\'t really need another handgun but said I would take it. He is going to bring it the next time he comes to town.

Does anyone have experience with one and how do you like it?
brother had one. it was a very nice gun. if its a compact will make a great carry gun. if not then enjoy shooting it or sale it. either way nice guns.
He said he wants $225 and it has 2 clips with it. If I don\'t keep it I will trade it or sell it. I will have to burn a box of ammo through it first.
Both are great, the shield just has a more sleek fit (slimmer grip)

Great conceal gun, great caliber, price is fair based on condition.
I don\'t think you would be disappointed with it and you could easily turn around and sell it for $325 the next day without even trying.
Yep should not lose any on the deal. I looked at the shield before I bought my Springfield Armory XDs 45
\"bowhunter\" said:
Yep should not lose any on the deal. I looked at the shield before I bought my Springfield Armory XDs 45

If you worked on his car, maybe $200 would be a better offer :wave:
you will make money on that deal, should be able to sell it for alot more than that.
carry one everyday on the job also each year we have to do a four day training at FRONT SIGHT they seem to work flawlessly and quite accurate I do have the full size and so no experience with shield or compact. we are required to shoot 100 rounds a month and then the additional training no problems for a couple years. the trigger is the only thing I didn\'t like so I did a trigger job on mine the other four guys tried it and liked it so much I did trigger jobs on theirs as well its pretty simple to do and makes them quite a bit better. tons of accessories for them and more and more law enforcement agencies are going that direction I would take that deal any day if you don\'t like it let me know.

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