Still Hunting/Tree Stand/Bugle Chasing

Of course! An individual may be better at one than the others but still proficient in the others as well. The difficulty may lie in an awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
I think you definitely can, but I also think a lot depends on the personality of the individual. For example, I try to sit ground blinds and still hunt, but I am terrible when it comes to being patient enough. Sure, they have worked for me in the past, but other types of hunting seem to fit me better and I seem to enjoy them more as well.
I think you can be proficient at more than one, but almost like language, there will be one that a hunter is most comfortable with. Usually after I have my elk in the locker, I love to go out calling for someone that wants to stay on the ground. When I am looking for my own elk, 90% of the time I am in a tree.
If \"proficient\" means putting an elk down, I\'d say yes. Personally, I\'ve killed elk using every one of the listed methods, and I tend to employ them all sometimes in the course of a day.
It\'s not a matter of can you, but do you want to? When I was young I experimented with all forms of hunting for elk. Yes, all forms. I\'m the curious type. It finally sunk in that my dad was right, and still hunting was the most rewarding. I never thought of changing to another method after that.
I like all the above but when I\'m up in a tree I always wonder what\'s going on over that next ridge and then I get ants in my pants and have to go look !! I used to be able to sit there for hours at a time but not any more. I guess I would rather be on the move.

I guess the ambush is probably the most effective because you are either calling in an elk and set up an ambush or you are waiting for them to come down a trail on the way to bedding or feeding. It doesn\'t matter as it\'s all very exciting when you see the bull coming your way.
Our game plan is to chase bugles and still hunt between cold calls in the mornings. This technique can get us 3-5 miles from the truck each day.
So in the evenings, we sit tree stands to rest and hunt that way to rest and get another perspective.
It works for us to be well rounded and stay fresh
I hope to become proficient at chasing bugles but first I\'ve got to hear them! That\'s what appeals to me most about elk hunting. I doubt I will sit tree stands for elk I have done enough of that for WTs but still hunting sounds fun just don\'t know a lot about it. Looking forward to this fall to try out both methods and see what works. If I hear bugles, I\'m chasing. If not I\'m still hunting and cold calling. Sooner or later I\'m bound to find a technique that will work.