
Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
This ain\'t about elk or deer but we had our newest duck boat and trailer (no motor on it thank God) stolen sometime between Monday afternoon and yesterday... Also another 4 wheeler trailer and several other items including a stihl chainsaw, air compressor and a lot of tools.... Not a good day in Arkyville... :cry: :evil: :cry: :evil:
Hate to hear that. People are low life\'s anymore. I just had someone steal my weight distribution hitch right off my truck parked in my driveway. Not nearly as bad a loss as you but none the less I had to buy a new one. I hope y\'all catch the thieves.
That\'s awful Phil. Hope most of that was insured...

I\'m also curious to hear where it was stolen from, home or your hunting place?
They were stolen from my son\'s dad in laws house.... Bad thing is his dad in law is in a long term care facility so no one has been living there for several months... Everything stolen except for the boat was his dad in laws... Bad thing is the insurance wasn\'t allowed to be renewed in July because no one was living there... Good thing is I have insurance on the boat so it is covered...

Another thing... His dad in law has a small kubota tractor that we use to bush hog and clear woods roads on out deer lease... They didn\'t steal the tractor but took the key that my son left in it the last time he used it... Most likely they couldn\'t get it started... I figure they plan to come back for the tractor.... If I was physically able I would be setting there waiting for them to return and offer them a warm welcome.... :twisted: :twisted:

And yes the tractor is in another location where it is secure....
I\'d put the tractor back where it was and set up some game cameras...catch \'em in the act.
\"cohunter14\" said:
I\'d put the tractor back where it was and set up some game cameras...catch \'em in the act.

I would hate to catch the gunfight, Derek... :mg: :mg: Cause I don\'t fight fair.... :D :D
Grand boys finally decided to check the game camera out behind their other grand paws house and you guessed it, it\'s gone also... :evil: :evil:
so sorry phil, we had 4 tree stands disappear a week before season once. a year later my brother, who is a large fella, found out who did it. he had a talk with the kid and got our stuff back. surprised it turned out that well for him.
I don\'t imagine we\'ll get any of our stuff back unless the sheriffs department accidentally stumbles upon it during a tri county drug task force raid or search warrant... I feel sure all the small stuff has already been sold or pawned... :downthumb: :downthumb:

With modern technology I see we will be able to purchase small GPS tracking devices to install in things like this to find them in the future. I know they have them out there now that can be put on cars and things but I just see a affordable little tracking device that can be bought and tracked using your cell phone......
They already have tracker implants for dogs that I think are affordable.... If they would have had them when I had my labs they would have had one...

I\'m sure and On Star type device for boats will be here before we know it... When they do We\'ll have one on each of our boats.... Of course we\'re duck boat poor... Had 3 and now 2...
Drugs...too you said, the small stuff is probably gone by now. The boat may be a little harder to move.
You have one mad :evil: Ol\' Arky :evil: because I just found out today when requesting a copy of the report that the incident report WAS NOT complete and the boat and trailer HAD NOT been entered in ACIC and NCIC... I threw a \"hissy fit\" and finally got something done...

SO that means that no one has even knows about the incident... No other police agency.. Not even the CID division at the sheriff\'s office... NO ONE except for what was posted on Facebook by us...

I have a call in to a friend that still works at the sheriff\'s department ( Captain over CID) and I will get something done about this situation...

Did I say I was :evil: :evil: MAD :evil: :evil: !!!!!!!!!