Strategy in a new area


New member
Aug 27, 2015
We are hunting a new (to us) unit this year. Whats your strategy when entering a new unit? Glassing a lot the first few days? Do you like to hike and check out areas that looked prime or you got leads on by talking to people in the area? How many different spots do you try to have as potential options when going into a new area?

Good Luck to all this year!
scout through google earth. Confirm what you find with boots on the ground. hopefully the elk with be vocal and solve that problem for you. good luck
Ive doing the same thing.  Been using google earth and made a few trips.  Looking for sign and elk.  Also looking to see if it is going to have a lot of pressure during season.
Look for steep north faces with some high benches that are tough to reach. Nothing beats boots to the ground.
Do as much online scouting as possible, setting up "milk runs" to water holes, feeding areas and bedding areas.  Then I cruise these areas, like a fast still hunt, trying to see elk before they see me.  At the same time I'm "boots on the ground" scouting.

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