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A co-worker has been to this ranch and had a great experience.
He is planning on going back.
I know there has been some chatter about BackTrakOutdoors getting some guys together and this may be an opportunity
They also feature a \'Bow Only\' package hog hunt if interested
<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\" onclick=\";return false;\"> ... -packages/</a><!-- m -->
I would like someone that is interested, has some knowledge about hog hunting to spearhead this possibly venture.
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A co-worker has been to this ranch and had a great experience.
He is planning on going back.
I know there has been some chatter about BackTrakOutdoors getting some guys together and this may be an opportunity
They also feature a \'Bow Only\' package hog hunt if interested
<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\" onclick=\";return false;\"> ... -packages/</a><!-- m -->
I would like someone that is interested, has some knowledge about hog hunting to spearhead this possibly venture.