The celebratory \'toast\'


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Upon the harvest of your elk, what do you do to celebrate?
Do you have something special to share with your buddies at the campfire once the meat is hung?

I realize that some may not partake in libations, and thats OK!
Is there some other way you \'toast\' ?
i bring cigars.

i have yet to light up over an elk i killed..but any elk i help a friend get next to holding a bow, is worth a puff of a cigar.

when i rifle shot my elk. it was johnny walker black. yum. i\'ve since stopped drinking since then, for the most part. occasional wine. no more hards.
I was by myself so I just loaded my stuff up an headed home. text an called a lot of folks as soon as I had service
I\'ve been known to have a shot, or two, of tequila. I also thank God for moving the trees out of the way of my arrow.
didn\'t have time to celebrate after my first elk, rifle.... we had already stayed a day late. loaded and go. didn\'t even take pics.... still waiting for the first chance to celebrate.
I do a lil prayer of Thanks before the work starts. Never had any beverages with me when I killed but a nice glass of whiskey usually chases a good packout. I remember the last video form the Born and Raised crew ( if this isn\'t familiar, google them, its awesome) when dude shoots his bull, misses, knocks another, shoots, bull goes down and no sooner he reaches in his bag, grabs a handle of Black Velvet and takes a big haul before screaming his roar of success. I thought that was really funny and descriptive of the release one feels when a bull goes down. C\'mon September!!!
A few fist pumps, lots of smiles and a quick thank you to God for blessing me. As a lone packer I\'m too wore out to celebrate. But the smile sticks around for days :)
I\'ll take a small flask of my preferred Jack Daniels (or perhaps Wyoming Whiskey, this year) into the woods ... reserved for this purpose.

After something is killed, though, is when I\'m glad to be hunting alone, as I kind like to rest quietly, rather than give the old \"war whoop\". Company is nice, though.
I\'m with Swede on this one. First order of business is a prayer of thanks. Then it\'s out with the knife and care for the meat. I also pray before the hunt that my arrows will fly true and provide a quick kill so my animal won\'t suffer.
All my hunts are dedicated to my dad and God. Without them i\'d be nothing, and I take no glory for a kill. I do thank the elk for giving up his life to feed me, and my dog.
I stood in there staring in aw for awhile at what I had accomplished completely overwhelmed. then as I got to work a moose was making there groaning noise close to me an another bull was bugling across the valley. it was magical. the only celebratory thing I did was made a few calls an texts to friends from mo, but cnelk was the first person to know I killed my first. oh yea, I went home an bugled around the house that night feeling pretty bullish, but alas my wife wasn\'t cycling yet so a lot of chase for nought
When alone, I usually quietly celebrate and give thanks. When with friends, the emotions of the moment just take over. Sometimes it\'s a humble type of joy that I express while after some kills I\'ve expressed sort of an \"Oh my goodness\" happy reaction.

As I\'ve gotten older, a celebratory glass of bourbon has been my drink of choice.

John - Have you tried Wyoming Whiskey yet? If so, what does it compare to?

\">>>---WW---->\" said:
I\'m with Swede on this one. First order of business is a prayer of thanks. Then it\'s out with the knife and care for the meat. I also pray before the hunt that my arrows will fly true and provide a quick kill so my animal won\'t suffer.

+1 this is how it goes for me as well including the morning prayer of thanks for the opportunity to spend it in the elk woods and request for a swift clean kill.
When I get eyes on my elk and determine it is down for good, I drop to my knees and give a prayer of thanks.

If I\'m with a buddy, and he makes a lethal shot, there could be a man-hug involved :think:

I get very excited about the successes of others, sometimes more than my own.
I\'m like Jeff.
I love to see buddies connect, more so than myself.

And back at camp, some aged Crown Royal comes out and gets passed around
\"otcWill\" said:
I do a lil prayer of Thanks before the work starts. Never had any beverages with me when I killed but a nice glass of whiskey usually chases a good packout. I remember the last video form the Born and Raised crew ( if this isn\'t familiar, google them, its awesome) when dude shoots his bull, misses, knocks another, shoots, bull goes down and no sooner he reaches in his bag, grabs a handle of Black Velvet and takes a big haul before screaming his roar of success. I thought that was really funny and descriptive of the release one feels when a bull goes down. C\'mon September!!!

That\'s pretty funny! I would have to be pretty confident in taking one down close to camp to be hauling around a whole handle of Black Velvet though, lol :lol:
I got to thinking, I better bring along some top shelf vodka this year... yes, I am feeling confident! just a couple of shot bottles...

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