The Ethical Hunter


New member
Mar 4, 2014
How ethical are you when it comes to your hunting practices? How would others, that know you, rate your hunting practices? Be honest.

I think I should rate an A+, but I know a married couple that would give me an F. I suppose a careful review on my hunting would reveal some flaws or compromises. There are some threads here that ask, if we would take the shot if we were presented with a certain situation. I am willing to shoot on a 90% sure basis. It doesn\'t require a slam dunk situation. I am not sure I always err on the side of the angels.

As for the couple that would likely give me an F. Well that is a long story. After waiting for this lady to shoot at one of three bucks one morning and see her miss two or three times, I watched them run off. I had my brother drive 1/3 mile down the road where I got out of his truck, and slipped up a dry wash to try to intercept them. I was waiting out there when the man, with his wife following, came along and saw me. They chewed me out claiming those were their bucks. Since I had not disturbed them, I backed off and let them chase them some more. I know they never got close again. They may have been self righteous, but they were both lousy hunters. I could hear them coming long before I turned around and saw them.
I can\'t remember ever taken a shot that didn\'t have 100% chance for success. I was taught that way as a youngster, and i\'ve stayed with it. I never lost an animal, so I guess I did ok.
\"Still Hunter\" said:
I can\'t remember ever taken a shot that didn\'t have 100% chance for success. I was taught that way as a youngster, and i\'ve stayed with it. I never lost an animal, so I guess I did ok.
Are you guy saying you have never missed? Twice over the years I failed to see a branch stinking out in the arrow\'s flight path. I missed both times. I could have just wounded the animal. Even with significant care, bad things can happen. Twice I have had an animal jump the string? Unless you witness it, it can be hard to believe how fast they go from stationary to full speed.
I would have a few more spoon and crockpot bucks if I was 100% on my shots. First shot I took at a deer was when I was 11 years old. Sitting in a treestand with a burlap sack covering my snow pants and blackhawks starter jacket, I wasnt the stealthiest of bowhunters. I had a shot at a doe, came to full draw and upon releasing my arrow my string caught pretty much every piece of clothing on the way. Arrow went sideways sticking the doe in the rear quarter, never retrieving the animal after a long search. It changed me as a young bow hunter. As each year has passed since then I have grown to appreciate the animals I pursue with a great passion. I wasn\'t lucky enough to have an older mentor instill ethics of the hunt in me. I have been earning it the hard way. I don\'t wish it upon anyone because I can relive each of the misfortunes like I am still living in that moment. As far as grading my ethics? Well, its a work in progress and have an incomplete on my resume. I am always taking what I feel are the right steps to become better.

Having others judge you, or grade you, isn\'t the best way to measure ones ethics. Sure we want to look like good sportsmen and conservationist in the eyes of others, and especially non hunters, but I have been looked at as barbaric for chasing whitetails with a rifle....
A clean and quick kill is just the tip of the ice berg for hunter ethics IMO. How we act in the off season, give back to the outdoors, give back to the next group of hunters, taking care of the meat....the list goes on.
I am always striving to be a better outdoors enthusiast. I believe I would receive a good grade in that respect.

Swede, I too have seen an animal jump the string. It is something hard to grasp. I was left with a trace of blood on my broadhead and a handful of hair...not to mention that knot in my stomach. :cry:
i try to be ethical. no trespassing, etc. i have lost one deer bowhunting..and i punched my tag. i seriously hope that never happens to me again. EVER!

just a few weeks ago, i had a deer milling about at a long range. i had him. i practice and shoot groups averaging 8\" at 100 yards. no wind, animal not alert. i didnt fire because there were doe near him. i thought about it. if i hit a doe, i would call the game warden and turn myself in. so i let down the draw. i didnt want to risk having to make that phonecall. that would suck! i imagine they dont give you any points for honestly..i\'d still pay a fine, and still lose something..maybe my license..maybe my bow? ahh..i dont want to think about it.

our sport is always in the limelight. as a bow hunter i want to present our best face. it just seems right.