ThinAirOutdoors! A new sponsor for BTO


New member
Mar 23, 2017
I would like to introduce ThinAirOutdoors to everyone!
You can click on his banner at the top of the page when it scrolls across or click below
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Matt is an avid outdoorsman here in Colorado, and ThinAirOutdoors is his blog site.
He is also the president of the Ft Collins Archery Club.
His goals align perfectly with BTO as we all want to help new hunters and even the old ones :)

Matt has written an elk hunting book that is a good read for those wanting tips and tactics for hunting public land.
Here is that link, and you can buy a Kindle version also.
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Here is the best part...!!!

Matt has donated two of his books to give away!
Very soon we will be giving away one of those books so be sure to watch for that.

Everyone give Matt and ThinAirOutdoors a welcome!
Hello Matt. Thank you for your support. I have both the \'new\' and \'old\' that Brad mentioned, covered! New for elk and definitely old. Looking forward to your contributions.
Welcome aboard, Matt ... I spent some time on your blog ... looks interesting. And thanks for supporting this forum. :upthumb:
Welcome Matt. It is good to have you here. There is a great bunch of hunters hanging out in this camp. Ya, that includes cnelk too, but I don\'t say that much as it goes to his head.
Already got the on my Kindle. Read it all in two sittings. Good info, especially for guys who don\'t know what they are getting themselves into. :clap:
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I\'m excited to be here. I warned cnelk that I\'ve been pretty shy on the forums ever since publishing my book. Probably had something to do with all the typing involved in pulling it all together, good news is I think I\'m slowly but surely coming back around. So again, thanks and hopefully I\'ll have something worthwhile to add from time to time :angle: .
One more quick note on the book. It was intended for beginners, and when I say beginners I mean folks that haven?t hunted ANYTHING before. When I was working on it and talking with different folks with various degrees of experience, I realized there a lot of terms that I take for granted for example: wallows, tags, satellites, raghorns, velvet, etc. That someone brand new to hunting may not understand. So at some levels the book is very basic. However, I\'ve also received feedback from some very experienced guys that thought it was great and said they picked up a tip or two. So there?s a little for everyone, but in general I?d consider it an Elk Hunting 101 book and forums like Back Trak, are what you?d graduate to.

Some of the best feedback I\'ve received to date is from wife?s of hunters (who hunt) but were taught by their husbands. Even though they\'ve been on multiple hunts, they didn\'t always understand why they were doing the various things they were doing, they were just being instructed on what to do and I\'ve been told my book gave them a little more insight.

Anyway, that?s my disclaimer on the book. And there are also LOTS of reviews on Amazon you may find helpful if you?re considering making a purchase.

Thanks again!