think my archery-only vow is done.. rifle time!!

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
i kinda did a self imposed archery only thing back in 2007.

i\'m over it. bought a bunch of 257 weatherby ammo and it is game on. pigs..yes. deer, yes. already worked out all the inexpensive local hunts. a california deer down near Los Angelos is a daunting hunt. pack in water early, stash it..etc. rifle time folks.

even turkey. i already screwed on a turkey choke on my beater Remmy 11-87. time to simply knock things over.
sometimes a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do, lol. go get em, its all about having fun an being outdoors, not what your shootin
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
\"iccyman001\" said:
Guess I can\'t be inviting you on any of my bow hunts then :( :( :(

Well let\'s not talk crazy. ;)

I\'m gonna go ALL WEAPONS from here on out.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

:upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
I have never shot anything with a rifle except a couple coyote with a 223. I have been bow hunting since 1991. I might have to try this long range shooting game.
\"bowhunter\" said:
I have never shot anything with a rifle except a couple coyote with a 223. I have been bow hunting since 1991. I might have to try this long range shooting game.

:lolno: :problem:
\"bowhunter\" said:
I have never shot anything with a rifle except a couple coyote with a 223. I have been bow hunting since 1991. I might have to try this long range shooting game.
Long range shooting is a blast! Shooting at a target waaaaay out there and seeing it hit close to the mark is a rush. It\'s amazing how close you can hit to targets with marginal equipment. The first time I shot long range was with a buddy of mine. We printed off ballistic charts for our ammo based on where we thought we would be velocity-wise and headed out to a canyon with rocks on the sides of it. We picked out a rock at 800, dialed up, and both of us hit within a few feet of the rock on our first shots. It\'s pretty simple to get fairly close to a target like that with basic info. To say I was hooked after that would be an understatement, so beware of trying it!

Cliff, I\'m excited to hear you are going to do more hunting. More hunting is never a bad thing, and it also means more stories for us to read about here! :upthumb:

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