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Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
I\'m officially in Longmire mode... Season 5 was released today. I checked last night but it was available yet. So I had to wait until this morning. :lol: :lol:

Anyway episode 1 is under my belt and debating whether to watch episode 2. ;) ;)

Something to keep my mind occupied for a few weeks anyway. :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
I always knew I had good something.... :lol: :lol:

All my family can\'t understand what I see in Walt... I look in the mirror and that\'s what I see.... ;) ;)

Of course I wasn\'t as bad a$$ as he.... :D :D
Yep! You picked a good one. I watched it on my ROKU. Sometimes up to 4-5 episodes a night. Just couldn\'t quit. Great show! Now I see the new season is out with 67 new episodes.

I\'m addicted to The Black List also.
Yep.... I\'ve already watched episode 1 of season 5 and have been debating if I want to watch episode 2 or wait a week.... :lol: :lol:
Netflix.... I don\'t watch hardly anything else on there but it looks like they have old episodes of several discontinued and current television series... They don\'t seem to have currant movies...

I didn\'t know you could watch Longmire on anything other than Netflix?????
thanks for the headsup!!

i kinda suspected, since the old Longmires got bumped up on the home screen.

i LOVE that blonde deputy. nobody throws out a hip like she

just so you know. that STRANGER THINGS on netflix is insanely good.
All the female officers I worked with where a lot more hippy than Vic... :lol: :lol:

Vic is easy on the eyes... :D :D
Just wait until you get to the last one Phil. Things get a little strange. It\'s a real cliff hanger.
I\'ve been good and haven\'t watch #2 yet... :D :D

But I got a few weeks til muzzle loader season so I might go on a \"Longmire Marathon\" shortly... :lol: :lol: