This really sucks

Jason Balazs

Aug 4, 2017
With 6 weeks before, I have this happen.. Ortho on Monday morning..
So there I was with my son at the skateboard park. Watching him try to half pipe.. He was having an issue with turning, so I said, \"Let me show you how we used to do it.\" :oops:

At least I didn\'t say, \"Here, hold my beer.\"

Anyway, they thing I have a ligament tear. If that is the case, then surgery. So, I am going to have to have them form my bow to my cast to be able to draw. The first thing the wife said was, \"There goes hunting.\" I replied with, \"Yeah right! I will mold the cast to my bow if I have to take it to the grinder..\"
:help2: :help2: :help2:
wow..timing is everything.

but honestly, i consider that \"dad of the year\" stuff. i hope it is just a bad sprain!! can you get a doctors note to allow a crossbow?
Geez! I hope it\'s not a tear and something much easier to work on.

It\'ll be interesting to see your grouping while wearing that cast :upthumb:
Ouch! That hurts from even here. I hope it doesn\'t mess up your hunting plans. I know the elk would sure miss the fun of the chase. Let us know how it is going.
Sorry to hear about the injury. That does stinks.

If the cast is formed to the bow, will the draw length change? Perhaps it would only be a 1/2 inch.

Good luck with the appointment.
Bummer! A friend of a friend broke his wrist before season a couple of years ago. He installed some sort of brace onto his cast to hold his bow. I could try to get a photo if you are interested in that solution.
\"Jason Balazs\" said:
Good news from ortho. Cast for four weeks and I should be golden. Woohooo

That is good news...

Now the big question is....What the heck were you thinking getting on that thing?
\"Jason Balazs\" said:
Good news from ortho. Cast for four weeks and I should be golden. Woohooo

Will they let you do Physical Therapy right after the cast is off?
Yeah for two weeks and that will give me plenty of shooting time. I shoot year round so am not rusty. Was worried when I first went in today, they were like \"Surgery!\"

As far as getting on that thing, I\'m a 20 year old trapped in a 43 y/o boddy. :train: :train: :agg:

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