Tips on placing Camera for best results?


New member
Jan 2, 2013
I got a game camera for xmas and was wondering if any of you trailcam junkies have any tips for a newbie to the whole trailcam game.
If setting up on a trail , place camera at a 45* to the trail and not at a 90*, some cameras trigger speed are slow and you will only catch the back end of the animal. Don't set the camera up where it will face into the rising or setting sun as it will wash out your picture or leave sun burst on  the picture. Make sure any small vegetationin front of the motion detector is removed as this will trip the camera when it is windy and you will have a lot of pictures of nothing. I like to use a python cable lock to lock all my camera to the tree for those not so honest folks out there. Don't be too anxious to check camera leave it alone for a while. The less you disturb the area with human scent the better.
Pulling the cards is neat when you get to see what you have captured, have fun and enjoy your new camera.

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